
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

september 21

Please Note: Today's journal is designed to be written in reflection, AFTER you write your essay.

What did you do well?  What part of the assignment gave you clarity and an opportunity to do your best work?  What challenged you?  What part of the assignment required you to stretch and figure something new out?  What can you improve?

Please choose one of the following prompts.  Respond on your blog with a post entitled, ON THE PATH.  Your response should written in the form of a well-organized essay that demonstrates your clearest thinking, best grammar and spelling etc.

Prompt 1
What is the theme of the short story "Young Goodman Brown"?  Describe at least three elements (such as diction, syntax, tone, characterization) or textual samples (quotes) from the story that led you to your conclusion.

Prompt 2
What is the tone of the short story "Young Goodman Brown"?  Describe at least three elements (such as diction, syntax, tone, characterization) or textual samples (quotes) from the story that led you to your conclusion.

Prompt 3
Compare "Young Goodman Brown" with the poem "Dream Within a Dream."  Apart from the fact that one is a poem and one is written in prose, what else describes the similarities and differences between the two?

Prompt 4
Is Young Goodman Brown a static character or a dynamic character?  What is he like at the end of the story?  Did he experience something real in the woods or was it a dream?  Please use at least two elements or quotes from the story to support your points.

Prompt 5
Research the authors of "Young Goodman Brown" and "Dream Within a Dream."  How did their lives influence their writing?  Use at least three facts you learn about their lives to make educated guesses about how they wrote.

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