
Monday, October 2, 2017

announcements october 2


§ Collaboration Day: Every Monday (early out).

§ Attention, 10th and 11th Graders: If you have a 2.5 GPA or higher, and are serious about attending a 4-year university right out of high school, come to the PSAT pre-registration TODAY. 10th grade sign-ups will be during 3rd period and 11th grade during 5th in the Ethel Pope Auditorium. This preliminary test prepares you for the SAT that will be held on Wednesday, October 11th.

§ Freshmen!! You are invited by Link Crew leaders to come to Link Crew Movie Night!! It will be held on Friday October 6th right after school in the Ethel Pope Auditorium! Get ready for fun, snacks and friends! See you then!

§ Juniors! On sale now class of 2019 T-shirt for only $12. See Samantha Lopez or Ms. Turner for order forms and details in room 613.

§ SENIORS! Your fundraiser will be coming to an end on Friday! Be sure to sell, sell, sell to keep the cost of Prom down and to earn some of the senior free prizes.

§ Junior class meeting will be held Tuesday, October 3rd, at lunch in Ms. Turner's room, 613, at 12:40 sharp. Grab your lunch and sign in, so we can plan Homecoming. Class of 2019 T-shirt order forms will also be available.


§ Attention Alpine Club students: There is a mandatory lunchtime meeting on Tuesday for students who plan to attend the upcoming hiking trips. Please arrive early!

§ The Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets on Tuesday at lunch in room 352 (math hall). Come by for pizza and sharing, bring a friend!

§ Attention ETS students: If you are planning to attend the field trip to Sacramento, this is a reminder that your prearrangement for absence form will be collected tomorrow during the after-school workshop.

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