
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

free speech?

Where is the line between teaching young people about their right to free expression and determining what they can and can't say?  What do you think about students being kicked off a team and out of school for raising a fist or kneeling during the national anthem?  You can read the full article HERE.  Please comment to this post with your thoughts.


  1. In school people are tought to respect one another and each other’s opinions regardless of who you are, that’s why most kids feel more welcomed in school than in there house.So these kids felt confortable kneeling, but there coach who was an ex marine who supposed make people feel free tells them kneeling against the flag is disrespectful, Then takes their uniform away is not making them feel good for what they did

  2. my opinion is that ,the school is wrong for this ,just think about it ,it was a small act not a big act and they are kicking them out just for this . They study hard for this ,to get to this school.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Freedom my ass

    We as Americans pride our selves on our constitution and how we are the land of the free and home of the brave. But it's complete bullshit! We just push our beliefs on others and force their hand. We might be "offensive to veterans and others." Really most veterans say "I fought for your freedom and rights you owe it to be and the U.S Military." Yes but you do not have a right to be an out right hypocrite when you fought from me and this country just to control me and throw back in our faces. Those boys and I are American citizens I repeat American citizens. I have my voice and saying my opinion using the first amendment is my right. BUT you saying what we can say, do, or believe in and stand for is NOT your right. You can fight for American's and the freedom of our country but you can not own our freedom and punish us. I stand with our modern day patriots and the fight for our voices to be heard.
