
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

net neutrality

Do you have any idea what is going on?  The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is planning to end Net Neutrality.

What does that mean?  It means we're screwed.

Right now, when you go on the Internet you can get to every website at the same speed.  If there's a delay it's a delay for every website, not just the one someone else doesn't think you should see.

But if the FCC goes through with its plan, it will give ISPs and big, wealthy websites (think Facebook) a huge advantage.  These sites will pay the ISP to "fast track" their information to you, and everyone else will be stuck in the slow lane.  This is terrible news for individual bloggers (like us) and small businesses.  Under the FCC's proposed plan, if you want anyone to see your website you will have to pay AT&T, Verizon, and the other huge corporate ISPs for the privilege.  Otherwise, you'll be stuck behind people and companies with more money.

This will make Internet access harder for everyone except big companies and rich people. (Huh.  Is that starting to sound familiar?)

But there is something you can do about this.  Go to
and fill out the quick form.  I just did. See the image below; you can copy the Proceeding # (17-108) and the comments (I support Title 2 oversight of ISPs and I support net neutrality.)

If saving the Internet isn't worth 2 minutes of your time, then you don't deserve to use it.


  1. What does the FCC gain from ending Net Neutrality?

    1. A closer relationship (money & influence) with the corporations who provide access to the Internet. The head of the FCC is a former lobbyist for Verizon, one of several large companies who do lots of things with their money, like finance campaigns.

  2. Replies
    1. The "they" in question are wealthy people who have political influence. Here is a fairly detailed description of the issue (WIRED has several insightful articles on the topic):

  3. You have to get your mindset correct or you will never attract or retain money! Even if you're given money like a lottery Eminem Net Worth you won't retain it. Unless you've got the right mindset, it's like with anything, with professional sports people, for example. If you're a golfer, about 90% of that game is in your head, and I believe it's the same with your relationship with money.
