
Thursday, November 2, 2017

november 2


Emerson's transcendentalist contemporary (there's a mouthful!) Henry David Thoreau once wrote, "Men have become the tools of their tools."  What do you think he meant?  Do you agree?  Why/why not?
1. Journal
2. Table conversations: What's next?  How can we transcend our current circumstances?  How can this learning experience help us?
3. Please comment with your personal takeaways to this post
4. Please post your thoughts to your blog (title: WHAT'S NEXT FOR ME?) -- suggested ingredients: a) what you've learned in this course so far, b) the assets / opportunities you have available to you, and c) action steps.


  1. I believe we should switch things up and try out a new way of trying to get people to talk as a class or to eachother.

  2. When we read on self reliance I had a hard time understanding the syntax of the essay, how can we as a class understand the diction or syntax on future readings?

  3. We can transcend by being honest and not holding back ideas that we get in class or comments/questions we get.I feel like that would help us and get better in English because we would learn.

  4. Self-confidence is a main thing but nowadays you don't see it as often because people are scared to see others reactions.It's hard to leave that behind, but it can be accomplished.

  5. WE DON'T WANT TO DO LITERATURE ANALYSIS! (Well at least I don't, who agrees?)

  6. I think we can transcend on talking in groups because most of us feel more comfortable that way

  7. I think that learning this way is another way to take responsibility. Also it is a good way to talk to people in class with out being smashed in groups. You can go to anyone in class and ask them questions .That's what is cool about this class it has more freedom to do things.

  8. I think that we should do everything as a whole because there are some people who are behind and to shy to speak up.

  9. Some of us are very shy/uncomfortable when it comes to asking questions. It is best if we talk in our groups, write it down on a paper, and give it to the teacher.

  10. I think we can transcend by asking questions so we can understand what we are learning

  11. I think we can transcend on actually not being lazy, most people don't speak up because instead of doing their work, they just sit around and do nothing.We should take advantage of the time we have to speak up our minds and plan for something that's going to help us later on.

  12. I think we should read a book as a class so when it comes to turning in work, we can do this work as a class for a better understanding for everyone

  13. I think we can transcend by having people participate a little more

  14. I think we should try new ways and ask questions

  15. I agree with Phillip the participation is a little dull.

  16. I feel like we need a type of group project to spice up this class. Sometimes I feel like we need different methods of learning something because of how different we the people are to learn they are visual learners and read- write and other different methods. So we should try different methods of learning. Also getting more involved in class will be good because some may not even know what we learned in a day,

  17. i thin we can make this a better learning environment by not talking while people are trying to work or stop distracting people while they're trying to learn

  18. Life is always going to be hard, but it's up to you to either make improvements or not. So when you think of making your life better, start by making little changes. Little by little is how we make changes. Changes doesn't happen overnight. Anyway life can only get better if you work hard and never give up on yourself. Don't be scared to speak out if you need help, because there are people out there who are willing to help you!!!!!

  19. I think se can transcend by not procrastinating and getting more involved in class. Group activities will help a lot.

  20. I think we transcend more if we have more group conversations.

  21. I think we should all talk more in this class and do activities more often

  22. We should read as a class so we could learn together and not be behind of any of our work

  23. I think we should be in groups when we do writing assignments or projects to share ideas and your group members revising our assignment for new ideas.

  24. I think that by working in groups we can learn more about each other’s work. By doing that we then can help each other on what we need help on.

  25. I don’t enjoy the litature analysis , I enjoy the class discussion, where the whole class interacts and it’s eaier to understand stuff

  26. I think one way to change the learning environment in class is to change how the desk are set up. Meaning, many times when you share an opinion, talk, or even just looking around, the only thing you see is people's back. So my idea was to set up the desk as a semicircle where we all can see our faces. While I was talking to a classmate, he told me that it was a good idea however he said that many people might feel uncomfortable by this since they don't like everybody to stare at them when talking.
