
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

this dude actually thinks trump is in a twitter war with mlk

Sometimes I think of education as enlightenment, a way to strengthen our minds and consider information that will help us live our lives more successfully.

Sometimes I think of education as skills training, a way to build the habits of mind and talents for doing things that will create value in the marketplace and society.

Today, on a day when I am working with high school American Literature students to analyze the ethos, pathos, and logos that made Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. one of the most effective and important orators in history, I am thinking of education as a war against idiocy.  I had to read THIS ITEM twice before it really sunk in that it's not a joke-- some people are this poorly informed.  You are now officially in the game of a lifetime; you have to get smarter than this and level up, or we're going to lose our civilization to morons.  This guy may be out to lunch, but he still has the right to buy guns.  Scarier still, he has the right to vote.

"Empathize," I tell myself, "Be nice.  Maybe he got dropped on his head when he was a baby.  Maybe he was home schooled-- and expelled.  Maybe he just likes to feel the breeze on his scalp and he's not really a Skinhead.  Maybe he hadn't yet washed that Oakley T-shirt and the off-gassing from the production chemicals made him woozy.  Maybe he just froze in front of the camera.  Maybe he just needs better information from a well-informed, caring mentor.  Don't judge him, help him."

I don't know, man... I just don't know.  I'll keep working on it.  Wow.  Wowee wow wow.


  1. I like how you mentioned that instead of judging people, we should help them! Usually when we judge people we don'thelp and just let it keep going becasue sometimes humans can be cruel. I'm assuming we have all done that to a person once in our lifetime or will do it without realizing but thank you for informing us so we students can learn and build off of other problems or mistakes being made! Also I had a question on what (idiocy) fully means. Maybe we can discuss it tommorow. Thanks Dr Preston!

  2. I agree on how education is " a way to strengthen our minds and consider information" so as I watched the video where people are being interviewed , I think that there is no right or wrong answer because their giving an opinion on what they think about the topic that they are being asked on but they don't say the brightest things ever as a good informed response , maybe I think is how Dr.Preston said " Maybe he just needs better from a well informed , caring mentor" now this makes me realize that yeah probably all those people giving their response didn't receive well education and good info back in the days when they were in school because I think there wasn't much knowledge because the I don't know maybe world was barely starting to develop .
