
Thursday, February 22, 2018

student rhetoric in real time

At the beginning of this semester we watched Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. give a speech, which we analyzed in terms of ethos, pathos, and logos-- the three elements that Aristotle said were essential to demonstrating an argument in such a way that we believe it.  We talked about how we intuitively observe speakers all the time, and what elements of their presentations lead us to be impressed, persuaded, bored, or offended.

The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida has sparked a national debate about gun control and safety, particularly on school campuses.  Please take a few minutes to watch the following speech from Emma Gonzalez, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.  Then comment to this post with your evaluation of her ethos, pathos, and logos.  Do you trust her character?  Do you feel an emotional sense of empathy or sympathy for her and/or her perspective?  Is her argument clear, truthful, and well-reasoned?  Use what you remember from our conversations (including verbal, paraverbal, and nonverbal communication) to point out evidence from her talk that supports your positions.

Here is the link to a video of Ms. Gonzalez's speech.


  1. In my opinion I feel that Emma Gonzalez did know what she was talking because she provided evidencento her statement and seemed to care about the topic because of the increase of volume every once in a while and because of how she was crying from what had happened. Emma's aruguement does make sense by explaining what she says to the audience.

  2. Emma G. Really did give everyone the goosebumps.... her speech was soo powerful and meaningful .

  3. I feel Emma Gonzalez knew exactly what the people needed to heard not what they want to heard. She is the person I’ll say is really making a positive change for this nation rather. She didn’t only prove her knowledge in the subject but she expressed her opinions and her emotions. This led me to trust what she is saying because is showing her, care about what is going on right know with gun restrictions.

  4. I personally would trust Emma not only because I agree on what she says but because of the way she spoke. She looked really hurt and the way that she maintained herself and still managed to speak and i front of a crowd shows how strong she is. She always showed her Logos (logic) & ethos by stating that she carried notes from her AP class with her which shows she prepared and she knows what she’s doing. She also stated facts about past shooting which supported her belief strongly. Her Pathos was shown when she would emphasize some statements to show she really meant it and it showed that she really wanted to change the problem. She spoke loud and clear as well and managed not to cry in front of the crowd. So I would trust her and her statements and I personally think she did a great job.

  5. I believe that Emma’s character is strong and caring. I trust that she’s a very caring person who will do anything to make things better. With being a senior from there she is standing up for everyone who lost their lives in any mass shooting. She was speaking in a determined way. As she speaks more you can hear the determination in her voice and also the hurt, she is passionate about her beliefs on gun control. Emma also knows exactly what she’s talking about because she uses strong evidences and examples. I feel happy and proud that she stood up in front of hundreds of people and said what she said because it takes a lot to speak up like that.

  6. Watching Emma speak in front of all those people about gun control and everyone cheering her in and applauding to her really grasped my attention. Her whole speech was really powerful and her confidence about the Florida shooting being the last mass shooting was really positive and gave a feeling of hope. it showed that she was going to work her hardest to change the law. I think that this speech will make a change in gun control in the US

  7. I believe Emma spoke nothing but the truth and was really prepared and spoke sincerely and straight out of the heart and was prepared with facts from around the world and im with her for a better gun control because a school shooting can happen to anyone and im not ready to lose a friend or a loved one so im with her to enforce gun laws

  8. I honestly felt that Emma really did know about what she was talking about, her speech had tremendous power & emotion, making it very impowering. She felt very strongly about gun control & was very persuasive with her thoughts and comments, I’d very much like to see trumps reaction to this speech.

  9. Emma is very empowering. She’s hurt but she believes what she’s saying and says it with a lot of confidence. It really takes a brave person to stand up for the students that were hurt and murdered.

  10. Emma Gonzales gave a emotions speach that gave most people goosebumps. Because I did. I think emma has a strong and charing charasteric that we all should have to make things right. All though she's a student she is standing up for everyone who lost their lives in mass shooting

  11. I do trust Emma , you can sense that she not has empathy for all the victims but also has anger towards everyone that did nothing and also the government who only send their “thoughts and prayers.” Her argument is very clear and also reasonable. Just by the first 5 seconds of the video you could notice that she knew what she was talking about. She had notes from her AP government class which showed that she was prepared and knew exactly what she wanted the press and world to hear. I think Emma gave an outstanding speech.

  12. Emma Gonzalez speaks the truth because the tone of voice she had when she was talking about her speech and her emotion to what happened in the Florida shooting tells it all.

  13. She took the opportunity to speak in front of so many people, and she spoke her word in a powerful heartfelt way. Thousands and now potential millions of people will be listening to her speech at some point and they'll take a different way that I did.

  14. I think Emma is a strong person because god how she talked and what she had said throughout her speech and and with her being in AP classes and being a senior that is a great thing and she is specific and forward on how they should have gun control and change gun laws she is very hurt and it shows through the speech but with a powerful voice

  15. She made a lot of very good points, i agree with her on the gun control policies and how they should be better regulated so that this type of thing wouldn't happen to anyone anywhere. She especially made her speech more powerful with her confidence and emotional side of things.

  16. I think her words were very powerful and so was her character she screamed in parts of her speech because those were important parts. She onew what she was talking about and the crowd felt what she was saying.

  17. I feel like Emma had something that she wanted to express to the crowd. She told everyone her perspective in the whole incident. She wants to change the law to carry a gun without having a license. She gave statistics on the different countries school shootings compared to them our incidents.

  18. I think that Emma speech was based on facts because they just keep its the last mass shooting thats going to happen in the United States but it looks like they (president/government) put it off aside because they only worry about deporting Mexicans and money. (in my opinion)

  19. This girl obviously knows what she’s talking about and what she wants. It is inoressinge that a 17 year old knows more than a 70 year old 250 lb sack of shit “president” leading this country. It shows that victims can be he change they wish to see; and in turn motivating others to do the same as well

  20. This just in from Marcos: I think Emma was very straighforward with her thought and had a lot of people supporting her. She had true facts that backed up her opinion and gave many examples about history and how we should change things as people before us did.

  21. She knows what she is talking. She hasn’t passion in her voice because her words are powerful and get to you. She makes sense and states facts about the whole world. I trust her character because you can tell she isn’t being fake. She is taking out all she got from what she was writing down. Whenever she was writing that down she was having a moment of her own. Her argument is truthful and clear.

  22. Emma’s speech was powerful for people that lost someone in the massive shooting that happen in Florida. Emma was prepared for her speech because she had her notes in front of her. Her speech was very clear that she want the law about guns to be gone because not save for our community. People lost their lives because people have the right to be caring a gun.

  23. I think that she’s arguing very well about what she believes about the gun policies and the students safety in schools. Her emotions are aggressive towards the crowd, and to the president. She was prepared on what to say because she had notes and plus she was an Ap Government student

  24. Ehtos: In my opinion Emma gave credibility to her speech by mentioning that her AP government class, because it means that she learned yhe information from ger teacher and the school books. She also gave credibility to her speech by providing evidence about gun control in other countries.
    Pathos: The fact that she was crying while talking and that she had to stop talking for a moment shows that she is passionately giving her speech. It also shows her emotion while talking to everybody surrounding her.
    Logos: she organized her information logically by providing solution like "gun control" and "more security". She also quoated a Government teacher from Florida.
    Therefore, Emma Gonzales' speech had a great impact in her audience and I hope it will also make an impact in the government decisions on gun control.

  25. In my opinion she wants a change and quick. By the tone of her voice she sends a message that she's angry and she's hurt deeply. The facts she states tells us and the audience she knows very well what she's talking about. Her message was LOUD AND CLEAR.

  26. I think that Emma Gonzales has a very strong and powerful message sent out to President Trump and all the victims of the Florida shooting. Her message consisted of statistics regarding gun policies and making it harder for people to buy guns. She also stated previous laws regarding guns and the constitution amendments too. During her speech you can see that she is saying it in a very loud and strong voice that the audience can relate with what she is saying.

  27. In my p.o.v I do trust her character becuase she seems to come off as a strong independent person and to present herself good and have the courage to stand up and give her speech in an emotional state where she is with herself . Yes , I do feel an emotional sense of empathy for her/or her perspective becuase just like any other person I probably could've be one of the victims too if I were in that school so therefore I understand that sense because it's not an easy situation for those people right now. Emma Gonzales argument is clear and truthful and well reasoned because in one of the sentence she says "AP gov" which means she's highly advanced in her academic and what she says sounds like she did very well research because she has her backup information.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. i would trust emma bc she knows facts and did her research and seems like a strong girl. She stated previous laws and amendments too which made it even more convincing that she’s really trying to be heard.

  30. Emma Gonzalez is a strong individual for standing up and talk to the crowd about gun control and what Donald Trump isn't doing to prevent it. She was loud and Clear for ever one to understand, she connected with the crowd, and she had all her facts and statistics ready to prove a point

  31. My first impression is I like her. Her emotions make me sick because I see her pain and suffering and that is because of the lack of government actions. This trail of death and murder will never leave students. But they are using it to there advantages and finally rallying the nation to get this matter under control. This movement should not stop and carry on. I’m all the way across this country fearing for thousands of children every day because these corporations and incriminating political parties hiding behind the walls as the NRA funds their lives. I don’t not want to go on waiting until I see another school shooting weeks from now. I’m sick of seeing young bright individuals be slaughtered for getting an education. So I stand with #neveragain.

  32. I strongly think that Emma Gonzales had a very powerful way of expressing herself on the speech not just the way she said it that made it powerful but the way her edvience back her up and was well organized and the way she wanted to express herself she had grabbed a lot of attention.She wants a change not just her a lot of people would like a change on gun control.

  33. (Ethos)Emma Gonzalez did know what she was saying she had evidence and was victim from the shooting Emma did use her voice,but talked fast at times.(Pathos)Emma did care, because she was crying about the cause and took her time to speak infront of an audience. (Logos) Emma did make sense because she would support her arguments.

  34. I think Emma did a great job because she came prepared with facts and evidence. I could also tell how she felt throughout the speech. She did not dress fancy either because she wants to be seen as highschool student. Emma was also very confident

  35. I would trust Emma because she said Facts and show evidence.She show Feelings and cared for her school and not to the shooter. She did make sense because she knew what was right and wrong from my point of view. Also she was a victim.

  36. I think her words were very powerful and she looks really hurt about the gun shooting in Florida and a lot of people were supporting and cheering her on but she was right on every word she said

  37. Watching Emma present HER speech in front of an audience, and having them cheer her on, was (and is) very intriguing and attention grasping. She was very passionate and it showed a true leader. Her facts were clear, and backed up. In parts of the speech, she showed such power that was hard to miss. Props to her for using her words and knowledge for a change, and having such confidence to speak up about it.

  38. Emma knows what she is saying and shows that through your the whole video. Not just by what she spoke but the feeling she gave everybody. She opened up our minds further on gun regulations & to make a change before it is too late.

  39. I feel like Emma was very empowering. She’s a senior in high school and she did more to address gun violence than the president. I do feel an emotional empathy or sympathy from her perspective because you can hear sadness and how angry she is at the government when she’s speaking.

  40. The way she seems credible is how she’s surrounded by a crowd, has notes, mentions that she’s in Ap government which shows she’s an over achiever, and not only that but quotes laws. Her pathos is expressed through her crying and and raising her voice when important topics come up. She shows her logos by stating how other countries have lower/none school shootings and mentioning the 2nd amendment.

  41. Emma was prepared. She was obviously a High performed student by demonstrating her AP government notes. She was brave to confront everyone. She demonstrated that she was serious and determined about what she was talking about. She showed that she was brave by holding in her tears.

  42. Emma’s speech is really powerful and meaningful because she did get the audience attention and the way she’s saying her speech makes it more powerful since she’s showing emotions. Her bringing up her AP government class tells me that she is smart and really gets everything that’s going on. She did seem hurt throughout the speech but she stayed strong and wanted to tell our president and other people a message of how she feels about guns.

  43. Emma speaks with facts she points out her view as a student and knows how fearful it is to at a school environment. She's a student, which is a foundation to her speech... of course it wouldn't be as emotional and credible if she wasn't a student . The fact that she's a students a more truthful speech because she know how it feels to go to school everyday with the fear that there may be some type of violence.She also provides evidence as to how the US establishments/laws have been a topic for statistics . She claims that if the US had a more control over certain situations things like this (shootings... etc)would be less likely to happen. She provides evidence, comparing the US set up to other countries set up. She seems strongly confident about the topic... when she spoke she sort of wanted to cry and that shows that she deeply cares about what she's talking about. She also spoke with much confidence and loudly ...making it clear that she DOES care about the safety of not only students... but everyone.

  44. I think that Emma's powerful message helped people understand that we have to take action and that we can't let this happen again. The statement she gives are true because she backs it up with evidence
