
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

walkout letter from a retired teacher

Walkout Letter by dpreston1441 on Scribd

1 comment:

  1. All of my praise goes to this teacher. I heard through the grapevine that teachers were not allowed to present their opinions about this walk-out that happened. I heard that teachers were instructed to promote this event, some teachers even going as far as to force students to participate in the walk-out. I wholeheartedly agree with this teacher and his message. Creating bonds with people and being genuinely concerned about your classmates speaks volumes about who you are. A walk-out fails there; I know damn well that some people used that event as an excuse to get out of class, and like I stated before, some were even forced to participate.
    The walk-out, though it definitely united a large group of people failed in many aspects. The most noteworthy was the way the message was spread. If you ask people 'hey, what was the walk-out supposed to be about/support?', you'll get different answers. Was it supposed to protest gun regulations? Was it meant to pay respect to the victims? Sadly, some people got clarification the day of the event, which doesn't help.
    Some questions I have following this event are the following...
    1. Will this event create momentum, or will it be talked about and forgotten within a week?
    2. Will the people that GENUINELY care about school safety use their energy to cause change other ways? Such as, perhaps writing to a congressman?
    3. Are the people that planned the event happy with the turnout they got?
    4. Why were teachers and students alike encouraged to keep their opinions on this to themselves? If someone doesn't agree with the walk-out, why are they considered bad people?
    5. If this is about guns, why do we only speak up and protest when there is a massacre? Why wait until something bad happens to protest, when we can prevent it by speaking up even when things are calm and okay?
    6. If this is about mental health, why can't we do what Mr. Blair suggests in his letter? Why do we purposely isolate those that are troubled?
    7. Why do we continually keep voting for people that care about zeroes on a check instead of human fucking lives?

    Of course, my intention isn't to offend anyone with this comment. Anyone who knows me personally knows me I'm very opinionated when it comes to politics... and many things, quite frankly. I can see the pros and cons of this walk-out. However, I choose to talk about the cons, since that's what many people weren't allowed to talk about today, unfortunately.
