
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

period 2 ignite talks

Yulianna: What comes next after high school?  Over spring break I spoke with adults to ask about their lives.  I learned that people took different routes to successful lifestyles.  This connects to Fahrenheit 451 in terms of predicting the future.  What I'm going to do next is [TIME]

Adriana & Kassie: Why is there bullying?  We're doing this together because we think that bullying is important to know about.  We plan to build a presentation that can help people.

Jose: Social media is good.  It's not all bad like most people think.  You can use it to start a career.  It's a way to become known for your personality or sense of humor.

Juan: I'm focused on racism and prejudice in our world.  It's not just American.  Why would a woman in Canada demand a white doctor for her child?  We're facing a human crisis worldwide.  I want to help people understand each other better.

Araceli: At the beginning of the year I Does technology affect children?  Over spring break I watched my nephews play Fortnite and stay on the screen.  Then I talked with an older co-worker and kids now are so into their technology.  This relates to the book because


Devora:  My big question has changed from psychology to something more specific: Why do people resist therapy?  I talked to my own therapist about why people refuse to talk

Brian: Baseball is my topic. It's an interesting history.  Civil war hero Abner Doubleday invented the sport but didn't want credit for the idea.  Baseball combines two sports, British rounds and something else.

Jesus: When you play a sport, is there a point when you stop getting better?  I played soccer a long time and after a while, my teammates and I seem to have a point where we stop improving.

Adan: How do you drive a manual transmission?  It seems that most Americans don't do this and I want to present a detailed presentation on this.

Carlos: What am I doing after high school?  I've been thinking about different options and I like construction because I like building and fixing stuff.  It's interesting how building and houses are made.  I'm not sure if I want to do this in the future, but this is a good opportunity to look at it further.

Christian: Navy SEAL, cop or musician.  I practice drumming for rhythm.  I also consider the impact of music on my brain and how I learn.  I'll also talk about the difference between how I practice and how college ban

Rafael: I want to know what the purpose of life is-- I've wanted to know this since I was a little kid.  So far I've learned the importance is passion.  What makes you happy?  How can you find something that you love to do?  I'm doing

Alejandro: My big question is whether technology would take over humanity.  My mom would always tell me not to use my phone, but now she's on it all the time too.  It may start with teenagers but it seems like it's everyone

Bryan:  What am I going to do after high school?  I am considering construction because on the weekends I work with concrete.  Thinking about building made me think about how the things I'm doing now will help me later, so I'm doing more research to connect this.

Marcial: Why do we value art in our society?  Art teaches us about meaning, and I want to learn more about this.

Rosalva: How can I manage my time?  I find it hard to balance practice with homework, sleep, and other priorities, and I want to get better at this.

Araceli R: I've changed my Big Question: Why can't there be peace in the world?  I asked family and friends, and the response that got my attention is that states of mind may be different but we can behave in ways that make the world a better place.

Pablo: Will these three As -- Adaptable, Applicable & Ambitious-- help me be a better person?  I've learned these principles by watching others and I want to test them.

Alex: How can we sell things online?  I'm addicted to things online, so I figure instead of just buying I can also sell.

Adriana T: Is it better to give or receive?  I think it's better to give because you can make others happy.  When I was little I thought it was better to receive but now kindness is more important to me and I am changing.

Antonio: My topic is purpose.  Not just the purpose of life in general, but what is Your purpose?  What do you think is important?  You may just see a plant, but I see a purpose to grow and be beautfiul.

Oscar: I like to listen to other people's opinions, but many people-- especially in politics and religion -- just want to be right.  So my Big Question is, how can people get better at listening to each other and getting together instead of just being divided?


  1. I wanted to add another reason why Adriana Angel and I chose to work as partners, we chose to work as partners because we have a strong opinion about bullying we think it should be spoken about daily and not just once a year in the school assemblies. We hope to help and impact even if it’s just for this class.

  2. I wish I could have added a lot more, And not have ended it the way I did.

  3. My brother was sitting in front of a screen all spring break playing Fortnite, I don't have nephews haha. Also the way that this relates to the book were currently reading is that because there objective in the book is to burn books technology could be another way of getting what you would've gotten in a book because with technology you could learn WHATEVER you want it's just a matter of knowing how to use it correctly. The next step is to keep observing the progress of the learning of my 6 year old brother because I feel like as he grows he'll learn more and more and he's always watching videos on YouTube and he repeats them and it surprises me because my other younger brothers didn't know those things at that age well that I can recall. That's all that I had planned on talking about but I ran out of time so here's the rest.

  4. While looking at the note Dr. Preston took in my Ignite talk, I feel like is better to understand than my actual talked in class. Well, besides my ignite talk, I'm really surprise of how my classmates have many cool Big Questions ideas.

  5. Also I'm looking forward to ask people about there point of view in different things that has help people get closer, and base on their responses I'll try to make a conclusion or maybe continue asking people but now about the previous people's responses. By doing this I hope to get a better understanding on my Big Question

  6. For my ignite talk I was cut off by the lack of time. What I was going to say was I am going to conduct a survey of students which would consist of their plans after graduation and many other things and I am going to interview a few students from each grade to get their opinions as well.
