
Monday, May 7, 2018

masterpiece academy note

Now it's time for the inmates to take over the asylum.

Each student will show how s/he has become a master.  Each of you will teach the rest of us:

  • How you decided what you're passionate about;
  • The value your topic/field/skill has for us;
  • How you learned more about the topic/field/skill by:
    • Finding resources
    • Becoming fluent in the language of the practitioner
    • Seeking out a mentor 
    • Collaborating and getting feedback from peers/blog followers
  • How this has enriched your life and your experience in this course.
Per our conversations in class, your presentation should include:
  • Visuals and/or hands-on experiences that bring the audience into your world
  • Enough craft so as to convince us you didn't just throw something together for a grade
  • Handouts or main points you think we should remember.
Please note that there will be a final essay exam based on the curriculum you create, so be sure-- as both presenter and audience member-- that you are getting the maximum understanding and value from everyone's presentations.

We will discuss general expectations and logistics today in class.

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