
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

may 2

JOURNAL TOPIC: (* after you write in your journal, please post today's entry as a comment to this post.*)
Tomorrow morning the garbage trucks come. Tonight I will perform the rituals of Garbage Day Eve: I will collect the trash from all the wastebaskets in the house, I will cinch up the big garbage bags from the kitchen, laundry room, and garage and put them in the garbage cans, and I will roll the garbage cans to the curb.  These tasks aren't necessarily the sort of thing a kid dreams about doing when he grows up, and no one is paying me to do these things or even giving me a grade.  So why do I bother?  A few reasons: 1) I don't want the smell, bacteria, mess, or insect/rodent infestation that comes with an accumulation of garbage in my house; 2) I don't want to wake up tomorrow morning with a start and race to beat the garbage truck; and, most importantly, 3) over time I have taken a great deal of pride in maintaining my home.  I learned a lot about #3 when I was in Tibet and watched the Buddhist monks care for their monastery.  (That was also the trip where I learned to truly love washing dishes -- to this day, there is something about a clean kitchen that makes me really happy.)

What tasks in your life are necessary but not necessarily appealing?  What do you do that gives you a sense of accomplishing something difficult, or the sense of ease that comes with being organized, or just the sense of relief at getting something unpleasant out of the way?

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece meetings
3. Masterpiece calendar
4. Check in re: tomorrow and Friday 


  1. Something that is necessary for me to do but not so appealing is that at work at the end of the day I have to clean the tables and clean all that nasty shit that people didn't care enough to throw away and sometimes it's not even trash that is from the restaurant it's from other places. I also have to throw away the trash from there and then at times the bag leaks and it's a disaster but it's necessary to do because if I don' the customers will just pile the trash outside of the trash can and that's a even less pleasant thing to do.

  2. The tasks in my life that are not necessary but necessarily appealing are when I shower in the mornings and get organize. Many people may oppose about morning showers, however, I love the feeling of waking up in the morning and feeling fresh, clean, and awake. Same thing goes for organizing. Knowing that your little belongings such as the countless clutter of papers in your backpack is nice and organize brings such satisfaction that I actually get a little more motivation to do my homework. These little things may not be necessary but they sure are necessary for people to keep their sanity.

  3. Something that is necessary for me to do is clean my house. I have to wash dishes, mop, clean the bathroom, sweep the floor but the list goes on. All these things are necessary to do but they are not appealing because it sucks that I have to clean after everyone in my house and they don't have to do anything.

  4. Coincidentally, I took the trashes out today as the truck will come to my neighborhood every Wednesday and pick them up. For me, it’s something I hate doing. I also hate sweeping and drying/putting away dishes. I do it every day, but I hate it. I do not look forward to it, however when I do it I feel a sense of pride. I feel pride to see what the work of my hands has done and it feels good knowing I get to help keep my house beautiful. One thing I also hate is cleaning my fish tank. Having to chase every fish with a net and then draining gallons of water. It’s a hassle but again I do enjoy looking at my fish when it’s finally clean. I do these things to maintain my daily life and make everything look good - if I don’t; it’d turn to trash.

  5. I've been working since I was in junior high, and it's something i have to do, even though i don't necessarily like it. It gives me a sense of accomplishment to a degree, because I've been doing it for so long that, it just doesn't phase me anymore. On top of that, I have scholastic responsibilities, like homework and classwork and so forth. I also have household responsibilities, like every other person.

  6. Something I don’t like is washing the dishes. Washing dishes is just so annoying to me. I prefer doing anything else but washing the dishes. Honestly after I’m done with the dishes I feel relieved. I feel glad that I got the dishes out of the way. I also feel better because it’s all clean. When I’m in a clean environment I feel good and relaxed. So that’s why I force my self to do the dishes.

  7. I think a task in my life that is necessary, is cleaning my room. It gets crazy messy, and although I hate cleaning, I know that it is something that has to be done, or the problem will never go away. So of course, I clean it and even though it isn’t my favorite, it does feel good to get it out of the way and it feels better than before.

  8. Some task in my life that are necessary but not necessarily appealing are having to pull weeds and cut the grass around my house , I hate doing it I think it sucks but I have to do it so I get it done but once it’s done and I see how much better it looks I feel good and proud to say I’ve done that but I don’t want to do it again cause it still sucks doing it

  9. Something that i don’t enjoy doing is washing the dishes but it does suck whenever your sink is filled up with dishes. I usually put them in the dishwasher and put the soap in and finish doing my chores. But sometimes using the dishwasher is not useful since it doesn’t clean up all the mess from the plates,cups and etc so then I actually have to clean them over again

  10. Some task in my life are necessary but not necessarily appealing having to wash the car I really don't like it but after I finished and see the car shining clean I feel good and proud.

  11. Some thing that is necessary for me is cleaning my room like my window, floor, fan, and organizing my closet and my dresser washing all my blankets and sheets and after all that's done I feel good and my room feels fresh too

  12. All of us have tasks in life that aren't necessarily appealing but are necessary. When I was younger I used to fold my clothes after I took it out of the dryer. I stopped doing that when I got into junior high though. I used to be stressed because in the morning I would struggle to find my clothes. Now just a few weeks ago, I started folding my clothes again and now I'm not as stressed. I can easily find my clothes.

  13. Something that is necessary for me to do I clean my whole house. It really does calm me down after cleaning it. You know everything is in its place and there’s no trash in the house. Who like sleeping in a dirty room or house ? I feel accomplished after doing so & it’s just something I love doing so it’s not so much of a task.

  14. I would say the task that is necessary in my life but not appealing is going to school. Every morning is like walking 1,000 miles non-stop, not even for sleep. I only deal with school for my future because I don't want to be forty years old and working at a McDonald's. I also get to play sports at school so that's another reason.

  15. Whats necessary for me to do but doesn't appeal to me is feeding my dog! He gets fed and eats with no hassle. I envy this task as its easy to do but when it comes to feeding myself, its difficult.

  16. To me, the main tasks in life that are necessary but not necessarily appealing are homework assignments and getting things done in general. However when I get assignments done on time I feel a sense of relief and accomplishment.

  17. The tasks in my life that aren’t necessary but no really necessary is putting in my contacts in the morning. I can wear glasses and choose not to wear contacts because contacts just bother my eyes sometimes but when i wear contacts i don’t have to worry about my glasses falling.

  18. Something in my life that I don’t like doing, but I have to do is going to work with my parents . It’s not really necessary to go, but at the same time it is. Going gives me a sense of accomplishment . It gives me the good sense that I’m helping out my parents in some form.
