
Thursday, April 5, 2018

hello, winners!

Are you a person who has successfully solved the pre-Spring Break clues and found the "secret blog"?

Then you're a winner.

Are you a person who has already planned and rehearsed your ignite talk for next Wednesday?

Then you're a winner.

Are you a person who followed this blog or set up a routine so that you'd see this post?

Then you're a winner.

I hope you've enjoyed the quiet time on this space.  That happened. 

Back to winning.

In the next 24 hours you will be given several opportunities to win.

As one of my favorite poems says, "The Gods will offer you chances/ Know them, take them"

For starters, name that poem and the author in a comment to this post.

And win. 

More soon.

There is still time.


  1. The laughing heart and his name is Charles Bukowski

  2. The laughing heart by Charles Bukowski

  3. Charles Bukowski , The laughting heart

  4. Haha just love copy and paste, Charles Bukowski

  5. “The Laughing Heart” by Charles Bukowski

  6. "The laughing heart" By Charles Bukowski
    your life is your life
    don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
    be on the watch.
    there are ways out.
    there is a light somewhere.
    it may not be much light but
    it beats the darkness.
    be on the watch.
    the gods will offer you chances.
    know them.
    take them.
    you can’t beat death but
    you can beat death in life, sometimes.
    and the more often you learn to do it,
    the more light there will be.
    your life is your life.
    know it while you have it.
    you are marvelous
    the gods wait to delight
    in you.

  7. ‘The Laughing Heart’ by Charles Bukowski

  8. Laughing Heart by Charles Bukowski

  9. Laughing Heart by Charles Bukowski

  10. "The Laughing Heart"
    Charles Bukowski

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
