
Friday, April 6, 2018

my laughing heart

Congrats to all the winners who commented with the correct answer to yesterday's post.

"The Laughing Heart"
Charles Bukowski

your life is your life
don't let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is a light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can't beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

What a great poem, by a guy who was thought to be negative in real life.

Comment to this post with an observation about the poem and


The gods wait to delight in you.


  1. "There is a light somewhere" means to me that there is always hope you just need to look for it and not give up.

  2. “and the more often you learn to do it, the more light there will be. Your life is your life.” means to me that the more you work on something everyday then eventually there will be an opportunity for you. Nobody can tell you what to do or no do because it’s your life and they can’t control it.

  3. "Be on the watch there are ways out," In my humble opiniĆ³n I believe that this is a frase we should constantly remember.

  4. I think the author is saying to live your best life & make the most of it

  5. "it may not be much light but it beats the darkness" In my opinion it means how life isn't perfect as we though it would be but it will always contains something beautiful in it...That beautiful thing maybe isn't a big thing but it is a piece of happiness.

  6. "your life is your life
    don't let it be clubbed into dank submission."
    I like how he started off being direct and transitioned into using figurative language and I feel like that's what makes a poem sound like a traditional poem, the figurative language.

  7. I didn't comment yesterday so I am not a winner, but to describe what I understand about this poem is that we most live our life ,have hope on our self ,and make the most out of it by not giving up to easily . I believe that also this poem is very inspirational because it's trying to tell you to not let no one control you and to keep being you.

  8. My observation of this poem feels like it’s advice given to me about life. I feel like Charles Bukowski is talking to me as I read the poem and I think that’s pretty cool. “Your life is your life” that phrase reminds me that I and anyone can live life the way we want because we are in control of our decisions.

  9. My take on this fine piece of literature is that, only you are you. Own who you are, whatever makes you happy do it and there are doors for opportunity so whenever you see an open one TAKE THE DAMN DOOR.

  10. "there is a light somewhere." in my opinion it means that whatever our situation is there is always going to be something positive even thought we see the opposite.

  11. The poem is definitely motivational and Charles tells you to never give up.

  12. This poem is pretty motivating. To elaborate, I appreciate how this poem is not only a poem but its advice. I feel this way because this poem doesn't force any religion yet it gets you thinking a certain way

  13. I like this piece of literature. Not only is it a well written poem but it gives advice and motivation. This poem from my perspective gives ‘words of wisdom’ to the reader in which they should keep striving for what they want in life and to not give up because there are doors that are open and in each door there is light. Once you open one then another is exposed and another.. you just have to find the opportunity and not give up.

  14. I think this is very motivational because it tells you that you can and should live your life how you want to.

  15. When I first read this poem last year, I was an extremely cynical and pessimistic teenager who thought life was shit and nothing you do even matters because we're all gonna die anyway.

    (Part of me still thinks that way cx)

    But I also acknowledge that I used to be in a darker place last year. I didn't see the light. My life was clubbed into dank submission. Now that I've grown and changed, I agree with all the comments above. There is definitely life and light out there. You just have to be willing to go out and find it :)
