
Monday, June 4, 2018

thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough:

Thank You.

Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness to risk and make mistakes and change your mind;

Thank you for your trust, for your sense of humor, for your curiosity;

Thank you for your time, for your attention, and

Most of all

Thank you for taking this learning trip with me this year.

It's been a feast of ideas.

I hope you feel like it was time well-spent.

Wishing you the best this summer and always,

Dr. Preston

finals week

The hour is upon is.  I look forward to seeing you all this week for our last conferences before we adjourn for the summer.


Here's what we still have on our agenda:

  • DUE TODAY: Your blog post entitled, "My Learning Was Lit"
  • DUE TODAY: Your journal
  • DUE TODAY: Your sign-up for our finals week experience
  • DUE TODAY: Your 360-degree assessment
  • DUE SUNDAY NIGHT (by midnight PDT) Your super-amazing blog post in which you use color, visual imagery/ mixed media (pics, vids, animation, embedded slides, etc.) to design and present your learning journey in this course 

my learning was lit

your post will read:

"This year I learned the following terms and I applied them as I read some pretty great stuff:

in/direct characterization
static/dynamic characters

june 1

It's June, man.



JOURNAL TOPIC: (do this at the end of the period)

Reflect on the year.  What will you remember from this course?

1. 360 Assessment
2. Sign-ups for final
3. Journal

may 31

JOURNAL TOPIC: (do this at the end of the period)

How does online media give us the chance to communicate differently than writing on paper?  What media are you using to tell your story on your website?  Why?

1. Turn in your paper
2. Digital design
3. Journal

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

may 30


This past weekend I flew across the country.  Security lines were long, flights were delayed, and people seemed stressed out and frustrated.  When I was younger, I loved to fly-- it was something I got to do, and it was fun.  Now, especially when I fly for business, flying seems like something I have to do.  What's the difference between getting to do something and having to do something?  How would school be different if it was something people get to do instead of something they have to do?

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece Academy wrap-up
3. Paper prep


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

final masterpiece page

To make it easier for you to find the Masterpiece Academy final paper prompt, I've added a Page HERE.

may 29

What did you do this weekend to succeed in this course?

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece Academy: wrap-up
3. Final paper process: DUE THURSDAY

Period 2
Araceli Carmona (10 minutes)
Angie (8 minutes) 

Period 3
Selena (15) 

Period 6
Desttiny (10 minutes)
Axel (10 minutes)
Phillip (15 minutes)
Joel (8 minutes)
Orlando (8 minutes)
Andres (8 minutes)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

please turn in the great gatsby

There's nothing I like better than being hassled by the librarian because some of you haven't returned books.  Please take care of it.

Araceli C


may 24

"Good luck."  What a bunch of crap.  We know better.  Since the 1600s we've had sayings like, "The harder I work, the better luck I have" and "Chance favors the prepared mind."  So why do so many of us ignore the obvious and just hope for the best without taking the right-minded action that will more likely create the results we desire?  Why leave your fate to... well, fate?  What can you do today to improve your luck?


Choose your own topic.

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece Academy

Period 2
Adan (8 minutes)
Alejandro (8 minutes)
Jesus (8 minutes)
Marcial (10 minutes)
Marcos (8 minutes) 

Period 3
Erick (10 minutes)
Saul (7 minutes)
Joanha (7 minutes)
Giselle (8 minutes)

Period 6
Liv (25 minutes)
Jannet (15 minutes)
Pablo (10 minutes)
Caren (3-5 minutes)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

may 23

Today's the day.  But... the day for what?  Explain your answer.


You find a scorpion in your shoe.  The hard way.  Describe in detail.


Choose your own topic.

1. Journal
2. Outline and begin the rough draft of your final paper (see prompt here)

*REMINDER: if you are presenting tomorrow (Thursday, May 24) please send your materials

may 22

What makes something funny?

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece Academy

Period 2
Alex (8 minutes)
Pablo (9 minutes)
Oscar (25 minutes)
Esme (6 minutes)

Period 3
Gabriel (8 minutes)
Christian (8 minutes)
Fatima (8 minutes)
Thais (7 minutes)
Adrian (8 minutes)
Emmanuel (5 minutes)

Period 6
Carlota (10 minutes)
Yolanda (10 minutes)
Natalia (20 minutes)
Chris (5 minutes)
Analuisa (6-8 minutes)  

Monday, May 21, 2018

thanks for your concern

I appreciate those of you who asked if I was alright this morning.  I won't speak to the cause of the injury, but I will say this much (in language you're sure to understand):  You ain't never gonna have a teacher as hard-headed as me.  And by the way, I was still on time for class this morning.

may 21

Are you looking back?  Are you looking ahead?  Are you focused on the present moment?  How do you know?  Please explain.  (I'm trying to get clearer on this myself.)

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece Academy

Period 2
Rafael (12 minutes)
Christian (8 minutes)
Juan & Antonio (20 minutes)

Period 3
Luis (10 minutes)
Jose L. (7 minutes)
Griselda (10 minutes)
Oscar (5 minutes)

Period 6
Karina (10 minutes)
Diana (10 minutes)
Gabriel (12.5 minutes)
Pablo (5 minutes) 

Friday, May 18, 2018

masterpiece academy day 5

Brian started the day with a discussion of the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana.  Check his blog, he's going to update the presentation with credible sources that provide insight about the medical, legal, social, and cultural issues associated with this topic.  (Right, Brian? :)

Ricardo rescued victory from the jaws of defeat (with the help of a hacker teacher) & shared his insights about the different generations of computers.

Period 3 gave us a lot to think about--

Aron helped us understand addiction:

Alex made a great case for comic books as literature:

Kevin followed up with insights on his career exploration:

Iris brought in some ancient artifacts for show-and-tell to help us understand how technology has advanced:

In Period 6, Aliza gave us a global context for our education system:

Monica questioned our curriculum:

a tale of two students

The title of this post is an allusion to a novel by Charles Dickens, which begins:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Dickens was writing about the period of time before and during the French Revolution (which coincides with the period of time during with the United States declared independence).  That first phrase-- "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." -- has been used so often that it's become a cliché.
Sometimes the phrase comes up in my mind.  Like this morning.  Here we are, in the middle of the Masterpiece Academy.  It's so great to watch students present ideas that are important to them, ideas that make their lives better.  It's also great to watch students struggle to do their best.  Yes, struggle.  

Struggling is a good thing.  Making mistakes is a good thing.  It's how we learn and improve.

If you are having technical difficulties, if you are struggling to get your work done on time, if you gave your presentation and thought of something afterward that would have made it better... You may feel like that is the worst of times.  Maybe.  It's also the best of times.  Celebrate the opportunity to learn from your experience, and start doing better right now.  Your tribe and I are here if you need help.


may 18

Describe the most interesting Masterpiece you've seen so far.  What made it compelling?  The topic?  The speaker?  The materials?  Explain.

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece Academy

Period 2
Araceli Reyna (10 minutes)
Brian Esparza (8 minutes)
Ricardo (6 minutes) 

Period 3
Kevin (7 minutes)
Aron (8 minutes)
Alex (10 minutes)
Iris (9 minutes)

Period 6
Gricelda (10 minutes)
Aliza (5 minutes)
Rafael (8 minutes)
Ernie (8 minutes)
Maria (8 minutes)
Monica (7 minutes)

Thursday, May 17, 2018

masterpiece academy day 4

Period 2
Yulianna gave us what we all need-- a realistic perspective on what it takes to succeed, both now and in the near future.  You can see her PowerPoint below, and below that is the video she highlighted for us.  The bottom line?  We all have dreams.  We all have challenges.  We all have work to do.


In Period 3, Alondra explained astrology and how she has used it to gain insight:

Jose taught us about being a barber and how he's building his business.  (I knew barbers used to be surgeons and bloodletters, but dentists?  Yikes.)

In Period 6, Carlos brought us into his world of BMX:

Bryan asked us to consider what the world would be like without religion:

Maricarmen wrapped up the day by talking about family and how we talk to each other. This was especially powerful, so reach out to her or someone in the audience to continue the conversation.

may 17

What have you learned so far from other students in the Masterpiece Academy?  Describe at least one idea you got from the topics of the presentations, and one idea you got from the presenters/styles of presenting.

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece Academy

Period 2
Yulianna (10 minutes)

Period 3
Alondra (15 minutes)
Jose R (10 minutes)
Evelyn (25 minutes) 

Period 6
Carlos (5 minutes)
Bryan (10 minutes)
Maricarmen (10 minutes)
Caren (8 minutes)
Kim (8 minutes)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

masterpiece academy day 3

Valuable topics today!  In Period 2, Kassandra and Adriana shared important information about bullying.  As we learned from them and did the activities they facilitated, I was again reminded that the idea of bullying isn't a thing out there in the world-- it's a way of describing interactions that all of us have at one time or another.  For more, check out their PowerPoint below.

Maria presented about the oceans.  This is fascinating-- apart from the Bermuda Triangle and mermaids, what do you really know about the water that covers the majority of the Earth's surface?

Yoselyn shared insights about her career plans.  It's amazing to consider how much one person can do in so many fields.  It also makes sense, as more and more people explore many interests over the course of their lives.  Yoselyn's father is a great role model!

Isaiah gave us some insights about his life as a "musical archaeologist" -- we learned about the science of recording, styles of records and music, and even some of the personal histories of the records Isaiah has collected. Powerful story behind the video: if you weren't in class, ask Isaiah about it! (Note: Had some technical difficulties uploading Isaiah's slide presentation, you can see it HERE)

Period 6 took us to the final frontier.

Yaquelin guided us to Mars:

Daniel taught us about his personal exploration of space:

please take this survey

Hi All,
This just in from Yulianna-- please take this survey to help her with her Masterpiece!

may 16

Today the thinking is all about your thinking.  What are you thinking about?  Why are you thinking about it?  How is your thinking influenced by your feelings and your memories, your fears and hopes and expectations and rumblings in your tummy?  What can you do in this very moment to change your thinking in ways you think will help you think better?  Will this improve your life?  Ya think? ;)

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece Academy

Period 2
Kassandra & Adriana (20 minutes)

Period 3
Yoselyn (10 minutes) 
Isaiah (15 minutes)
Maria (5 minutes) 

Period 6
Yaquelin (7 minutes)
Daniel (25 minutes)
Jennifer (5 minutes)
Claudia (5 minutes)

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

masterpiece academy day 2

Wow what a great day!  All three classes featured interesting presentations.

In Period 3, Estefany started us off by teaching about Ballet Folklorico and Mexican dance.  She pointed out that dance is a ritual associated with family, culture, and special occasions.  You can see her Powerpoint below.

Juanita followed up by sharing her career goals in cosmetology.  Apart from the video in which she shows us an example of her work, Juanita also talked about her college research and our ideas of beauty.

In Period 6, Alexis taught us about friendship. Everyone wrote down their feelings about friendship and then moved around the room to sit with someone they didn't know. There were so many smiles! Alexis told us that friendship depends on having things in common-- many of the new partners did! Alexis went on to point out benefits of friendship (reduces stress, helps us make better decisions) and pointed out some ways people make friends. Friends are people we trust and share things with, and by the end of the presentation there were more friends in the room!

may 15

JOURNAL TOPIC: ["Hotel California" by The Eagles; "California Dreaming" by The Mamas and The Papas; "California Love" by 2Pac]

Why do you think California is so legendary for so many people around the world?

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece Academy Day 2

Period 2
(intro to Masterpiece Academy/final question)
(writers' conferences)

Period 3
(intro to Masterpiece Academy/final question) 
Estefany (20 minutes)
Juanita (20 minutes)

Period 6
Alexis (10 minutes)
(writers' conferences)

Monday, May 14, 2018

masterpiece academy day 1

Thanks Churro for his inspiring thoughts on learning the guitar:

"You got to find someone you respect, someone who motivates you-- one of my favorite guitarists went to prison, but I believe everyone has a bright side and music brings that out in all of us.  Don't ever give up on what you want to do in life."

masterpiece academy final question

When the last presentation has been given, this is the question I will ask you to write on for your final reflection.  Please start a post or notes that will help you remember what's important.

For the next few weeks the Masterpiece Academy will be your showcase.  As you reflect on this experience, and your overall experience in this course throughout the year, please address the following questions in a traditional MLA-style essay.  Then post about it to your blog in any medium (music, pictures, video, animation, [?]) that brings your thesis to life.  (You may embed the original paper if you can't think of a better way to communicate.)

Please Note: Everything on the traditional paper assignment counts.  Please proofread and/or ask a friend or relative to help with organization, flow, and mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, MLA style, e.g.)

Masterpiece Academy Question

Montaigne ended his essay "Of The Education of Children" this way:

To return to my subject, there is nothing like alluring the appetite and affections; otherwise you make nothing but so many asses laden with books; by dint of the lash, you give them their pocketful of learning to keep; whereas, to do well you should not only lodge it with them, but make them espouse it. (1580)

The word espouse originally meant "to marry" and took on connotations like "embrace," "love," and "advocate."  Have you espoused learning?  Explain your growth in this course via a narrative that portrays you as the dynamic protagonist in your own Bildungsroman.  Please include the following elements.

ELEMENT 1: You have been treated as colleagues and you have been given a great deal of choice in this course; this represents a high level of trust.  Did you and the others deserve it?  Earn it?  Honor it? 

ELEMENT 2: Fiction has been called "the lie that tells the truth."  Which works, authors, or characters did you read this year that rang true enough to make you feel like they described parts of you and/or your journey? (Please mention at least three.  It makes them sad when we forget them.)

ELEMENT 3: Have you re/connected with a passion that drives you?  If so, how will you continue your learning?  If not, how will you proceed?

ELEMENT 4: [Something about literature or this course that made you laugh out loud.]

ELEMENT 5: [A unifying theme that runs through a minimum of five (5) presentations; a quality of the content, or the speakers, or their communication techniques that strikes you as something important that we have in common.]  Please illustrate/support your point with specific examples from the presentations.

ELEMENT 6: Evaluate whether you completed the hero's journey.  Are you a hero?  To what extent did you respond to the call of adventure?  Did you find a mentor, conquer a challenge, and return enlightened?

ELEMENT 7: For old time's sake, sneak in a literary technique.  Don't make a big deal out of it.  I'll know it's there.

masterpiece academy calendar period 3 (updated)

May 14

May 15
Estefany (20 minutes)
Juanita (20 minutes)

May 16
Yoselyn (10 minutes) 
Isaiah (15 minutes)
Maria (5 minutes)

May 17
Alondra (15 minutes)
Jose R (10 minutes)
Evelyn (25 minutes)

May 18
Kevin (7 minutes)
Aron (8 minutes)
Alex (10 minutes)
Iris (9 minutes)

May 21
Luis (10 minutes)
Jose L. (7 minutes)
Griselda (10 minutes)
Oscar (5 minutest)

May 22
Gabriel (8 minutes)
Christian (8 minutes)
Fatima (8 minutes)
Thais (7 minutes)
Adrian (8 minutes)
Emmanuel (5 minutes)

May 24
Erick (10 minutes)
Saul (7 minutes)
Joanha (7 minutes)
Giselle (8 minutes)

May 29
Selena (15)

masterpiece academy calendar period 2 (updated)

May 16
Kassandra & Adriana (20 minutes)

May 17
Yulianna (10 minutes)

May 18
Araceli Reyna (10 minutes)
Brian Esparza (8 minutes)
Ricardo (6 minutes)

May 21
Rafael (12 minutes)
Christian (8 minutes)
Juan & Antonio (20 minutes)

May 22
Alex (8 minutes)
Pablo (9 minutes)
Oscar (25 minutes)
Esme (6 minutes)

May 24
Adan (8 minutes)
Alejandro (8 minutes)
Jesus (8 minutes)
Marcial (10 minutes)
Marcos (8 minutes)

May 29
Araceli Carmona (10 minutes)
Angie (8 minutes)

masterpiece academy calendar period 6 (updated)

May 14
Churro (15 minutes)

May 15
Alexis (10 minutes) 

May 16
Yaquelin (7 minutes)
Daniel (25 minutes)
Jennifer (5 minutes)
Claudia (5 minutes)

May 17
Carlos (5 minutes)
Bryan (10 minutes)
Maricarmen (10 minutes)
Caren (8 minutes)
Kim (8 minutes)

May 18
Gricelda (10 minutes)
Aliza (5 minutes)
Rafael (8 minutes)
Ernie (8 minutes)
Maria (8 minutes)
Monica (7 minutes)

May 21
Karina (10 minutes)
Diana (15 minutes)
Gabriel (12.5 minutes)
Pablo (5 minutes)

May 22
Carlota (10 minutes)
Yolanda (10 minutes)
Natalia (20 minutes)
Chris (5 minutes)
Analuisa (6-8 minutes)

May 24
Liv (25 minutes)
Jannet (15 minutes)
Pablo (10 minutes)
Caren (3-5 minutes)

May 29 (*something has to give here; please advise if you're able/willing to present 5/15)
Desttiny (10 minutes)
Axel (10 minutes)
Phillip (15 minutes)
Joel (8 minutes)
Orlando (8 minutes)
Andres (8 minutes)

may 14

Describe a time you took responsibility for something-- a project, an action, a conversation.  How did the experience make you feel?

1. Journal
*Masterpiece Academy calendar/planning*
2. Masterpiece Academy: the week in preview
4. Writers' conferences

Friday, May 11, 2018

bulletin for may 11

No announcements today due to AP exams, and a lot going on, so here's the latest:

Bulletin for Friday, May 11, 2018


* Seniors Appeals - this is your lucky day! A final round of appeals has been added. If you need an

may 11

How's your masterpiece progressing?  Are you satisfied?  What do you still have left to do?

1. Journal
2. Finalize calendar
3. Masterpiece preview

Thursday, May 10, 2018

masterpiece academy lineup period 6 (tentative)

May 14

May 15
Alexis (10 minutes)

May 16
Yaquelin (7 minutes)
Daniel (25 minutes)

May 17
Carlos (5 minutes)
Bryan (10 minutes)
Maricarmen (10 minutes)
Caren (8 minutes)
Kim (8 minutes)

May 18
Gricelda (10 minutes)
Aliza (5 minutes)
Rafael (8 minutes)
Ernie (8 minutes)
Maria (8 minutes)
Monica (7 minutes)

May 21

Karina (10 minutes)
Diana (15 minutes)

May 22
Carlota (10 minutes)
Yolanda (10 minutes)
Natalia (20 minutes)
Chris (5 minutes)

May 24
Liv (25 minutes)
Jannet (15 minutes)
Pablo (10 minutes)

May 29
Desttiny (10 minutes)
Axel (10 minutes)

masterpiece academy lineup period 3 (tentative)

May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17 
Jose R
May 18
May 21
May 22
May 24
May 29
Araceli Carmona

masterpiece academy lineup period 2 (tentative)

Here's what we have so far:

May 16   
Kassandra & Adriana
May 17  
May 18
Araceli Reyna
Brian Esparza
May 21
May 22
May 24
May 29
Araceli Carmona

may 10

Yesterday's test.  Last week's tests.  Tomorrow's tests. Why all the tests?  How can you use this hour to prove that you've learned something in this course?

1. Journal
2. Prove yourself

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

may 9

Please remember that today we meet for testing in Room 235.

After you finish the test, please take a moment to reflect on the experience in your journal.

Monday, May 7, 2018

may 8

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "I Melt With You" by Modern English; "Modern Love" by David Bowie; "Modern Man" by Bad Religion]

Agree or disagree with the following quote:

I have always had this view about the modern education system: we pay attention to brain development, but the development of warmheartedness we take for granted.
Dalai Lama


Choose your own topic.

1. Journal
3. Individual writing / planning conferences

masterpiece academy note (II)

Here are the observations you made in class:


  • Prepare
  • Remember to bring whatever you need with you
  • Organize
  • Talk to us; don't just read off your paper or your slides
  • Meet our eyes and share your enthusiasm & passion for your Big Question/idea/skill
  • Give us at least one awesome thing to remember
  • Be clear
  • Be loud enough for us to hear
  • Manage your time
  • Show your confidence
  • Involve your audience 
  •  Dress for success
  • Practice with visuals so audience members can see them easily
  • Stay respectful until the end of the period (no rustling before the bell)
  • Bore us
  • Wait until the last minute/ procrastinate
  • Interrupt
  • Don't crowd visuals with too many distractions
  • Don't hesitate or repeat yourself
  • Be shy

  • Each presentation should be >10 minutes (including Q & A)
  •  How are you presenting? 
    • Do you need Internet connection or other online tools?
    • Are you using PowerPoint or Prezi or Google Slides or ?
    • Are you creating a video to show on YouTube, Vimeo, or another platform?
  • What do you need?
    • Materials
    • Support

masterpiece academy note

Now it's time for the inmates to take over the asylum.

Each student will show how s/he has become a master.  Each of you will teach the rest of us:

  • How you decided what you're passionate about;
  • The value your topic/field/skill has for us;
  • How you learned more about the topic/field/skill by:
    • Finding resources
    • Becoming fluent in the language of the practitioner
    • Seeking out a mentor 
    • Collaborating and getting feedback from peers/blog followers
  • How this has enriched your life and your experience in this course.
Per our conversations in class, your presentation should include:
  • Visuals and/or hands-on experiences that bring the audience into your world
  • Enough craft so as to convince us you didn't just throw something together for a grade
  • Handouts or main points you think we should remember.
Please note that there will be a final essay exam based on the curriculum you create, so be sure-- as both presenter and audience member-- that you are getting the maximum understanding and value from everyone's presentations.

We will discuss general expectations and logistics today in class.

may 7

Look back through your journal.  What was your favorite topic so far?  Why?

1. Journal
2. Essays & other ways to tell our stories
3. This week in the lab: writer's conferences and masterpiece prep

Friday, May 4, 2018

fahrenheit 451 essay

Based on our discussions and your contributions today (please see whiteboard notes at bottom), here is the essay prompt.  Please make sure that your essay is posted to your blog no later than 11:59 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time on Sunday, May 6.  If you have any trouble posting, please type or write the essay and bring the hard copy to class with you on Monday, May 7.

The feedback in class may be described in three categories: elements of the book, elements of Ray Bradbury's writing, and connections between the book and our lives in 2018.  Therefore, please feel free to mix and match from the menu of options below.  Please observe the minimum requirements as described, and please feel free to include more and/or your own original thinking.

I look forward to reading your work!

Fahrenheit 451 was published in 1953.  What does the book have to offer readers in 2018?

CATEGORY 1: ELEMENTS OF THE BOOK (Include at least one)
  • Themes
    • Self-determination
    • The role of technology in society
    • How authorities attempt to control people
    • Happiness
    • Integrity
  • Characters
    • Montag as dynamic character: how did he change?
    • Protagonist/antagonist: Montag v. Beatty
    • Clarisse's influence on Montag-- and the plot
    • How Mildred helped and hurt Montag
  • Bradbury's technological predictions
    • Seashells (ear buds)
    • Parlor walls (parlor walls)
  • Bradbury's social predictions
    • Medics as mechanics
    • Substitutes for happiness
  • High school and college education

CATEGORY 2: ELEMENTS OF THE WRITING (Analyze at least three to support your major points)
  • Characterization (direct and indirect)
  • Syntax
  • Tone/Mood
  • Symbolism
  • Synecdoche
  • Figurative language

denham's dentrifice in real life

I will never stop at this gas station again.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

may 4


What would you say or do if a person walked up to you and said, "I bet your mom never told you this, but you have a brother.  Me.  It's nice to meet you."

1. Journal
2. Discuss the ending of Fahrenheit 451
3. Review Part III highlights and writing techniques
4. Weekend essay

may 3

What do you want to get out of school during this last month?

1. Journal topic
2. Fahrenheit 451


Wednesday, May 2, 2018


On Wednesday, May 9 we will meet in Room 235 for testing.  Please make a note in your calendar.

may 2

JOURNAL TOPIC: (* after you write in your journal, please post today's entry as a comment to this post.*)
Tomorrow morning the garbage trucks come. Tonight I will perform the rituals of Garbage Day Eve: I will collect the trash from all the wastebaskets in the house, I will cinch up the big garbage bags from the kitchen, laundry room, and garage and put them in the garbage cans, and I will roll the garbage cans to the curb.  These tasks aren't necessarily the sort of thing a kid dreams about doing when he grows up, and no one is paying me to do these things or even giving me a grade.  So why do I bother?  A few reasons: 1) I don't want the smell, bacteria, mess, or insect/rodent infestation that comes with an accumulation of garbage in my house; 2) I don't want to wake up tomorrow morning with a start and race to beat the garbage truck; and, most importantly, 3) over time I have taken a great deal of pride in maintaining my home.  I learned a lot about #3 when I was in Tibet and watched the Buddhist monks care for their monastery.  (That was also the trip where I learned to truly love washing dishes -- to this day, there is something about a clean kitchen that makes me really happy.)

What tasks in your life are necessary but not necessarily appealing?  What do you do that gives you a sense of accomplishing something difficult, or the sense of ease that comes with being organized, or just the sense of relief at getting something unpleasant out of the way?

1. Journal
2. Masterpiece meetings
3. Masterpiece calendar
4. Check in re: tomorrow and Friday 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

finals schedule

 June 4-6, 2018

Monday, 6/4/2018
                           1st Period                              7:30 – 9:20

                           Break                                    9:20 – 9:40

                           6th Period                              9:40 – 11:30

                           Lunch                                   11:30 – 12:00

                           7th Period                              12:10 – 2:00

Tuesday, 6/5/2018

                           2nd Period                             8:30 – 10:20

                           Lunch                                   10:20 – 10:50

                           3rd Period                              11:00 – 12:50

Wednesday, 6/6/2018 – Last Day of School

                           4th Period                              8:30 – 10:20

                           Lunch                                   10:20 – 10:50

                           5th Period                              11:00 – 12:50

Thursday, 6/7/2018 – GRADUATION!

may 1

Write a paragraph in response to the essay you read on Fahrenheit 451.  You may focus on any of the following: What was the thesis?  How did the author connect the use of symbolism and synecdoche?  How did the author compare Fahrenheit 451 with Hamlet?  How did the author use his own experience to introduce the topic?

1. Journal/discussion
2. Reading quiz
3. Fahrenheit 451: the beginning of the end (reading schedule for the week)

Sunday, April 29, 2018

my thoughts on fahrenheit 451

Thanks in advance for reading and for commenting to this post.  I also published a version for grown-ups on Medium, and I'll share the link when it's available there.  In the meantime, here are some suggestions for getting the greatest benefit out of the experience, which continues well after the break:

1. Follow the footnotes
2. Click the links
3. Enjoy getting confused or experiencing questions-- and then ask the author
4. Find something you dis/agree with
5. When you see an argument, ask yourself what makes it in/effective
6. Most importantly, find something about reading this to ENJOY

As you scroll down, you will get to what I hope are insights on Fahrenheit 451.  First you will suffer through my thinking about this topic in general. 

We should read the same books more than once, over time.  As we change, the way we understand what we read changes.  This is important. 

The first time I read Hamlet I was in Jerry DeBono's1 AP English Literature class at Cleveland High School in Los Angeles.  We read the play in class.  Actually, that's a lie.  I didn't read the play in class.  I was thinking about other things while my unlucky friends who got chosen for the speaking parts tried unsuccessfully to salvage a shred of cool while mumbling and stumbling through their lines.  The night before the test I read just enough of the play to write an essay.  I understood what my teacher was asking, and I delivered an adequate-enough answer, but I didn't really understand the play-- not just because Shakespeare's iambic pentameter wasn't my native language, or because "To be or not to be" is such a hackneyed cliché, but because I didn't have enough experience to 

april 30

Tomorrow we will begin our last full month of work in this course.  What do you want to see happen in the time we have remaining?  What will you need to do in order to make the most of it?

1. Journal
2. Read my essay on Fahrenheit 451 (below)

"Wait, what?  The teacher wrote an essay??  Yeah.  I did.  For last year's class.  And I just read it again, and it still makes sense to me, and I want to know if it makes sense to you.  Therefore, I'm asking you to read it as a model, since you're about to finish the book and write an essay on it.  Please:

3. Publish a post to your blog in which you respond to the essay.  Include 2-4 sentences about your reaction to the ideas.  Please also include any questions you may have.
4. Don't forget any of this.  If I don't have posts to read tomorrow evening, there will be a reading test on the essay in class Tuesday.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

april 27

All of his efforts are leading Montag somewhere, both in his inner sense of self and a destination in the world.  Where is he headed?  Where are your efforts leading you?

1. Journal
2. F451: reading & schedule notes

1. What is the significance of the glass of milk, the apple, and the pear?
2. Montag thought he saw the Mechanical Hound and reached his breaking point. What did he see?
3. After Montag's musing about the Sun and fire, why is it ironic that he sees a fire?  How is this fire different?
4. Who is Granger? Who are his associates? (Spend a few sentences explaining this.)
5. What happens on the "show" portraying the chase after Montag?
6. What does Granger mean when he says, "We made the right kind of mistakes."

Please read
MY THOUGHTS ON FAHRENHEIT 451 (which you can read HERE)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

april 26

Why are people so afraid to make mistakes?  Describe a mistake you learned from.

1. Journal
2. F451 table conversations (please answer questions and post to your blog)

For pp. 123-132 (title: A STEP AHEAD OF THE HOUND)
1. What did Montag do at the Blacks' house?
2. How does Faber describe the war?
3. Describe Faber's TV.
4. What was on TV while Montag was on the run?
5. What was Montag running for when everyone looked out of their houses?

masterpiece academy sign-ups period 6

Please comment to this post to let us know when you would like to present your Masterpiece.  Please also include how much time you'll need, and whether you need any special arrangements for the room (furniture, equipment, visuals, etc.).  This is first-come/first-served, so if you see that there are already presentations for your first choice date, pick another.  You can also sign up by using THIS LINK. Looking forward to your presentations!


May 7 (40 minute period)
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 14 (40 minute period)
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24

masterpiece academy sign-ups period 3

Please comment to this post to let us know when you would like to present your Masterpiece.  Please also include how much time you'll need, and whether you need any special arrangements for the room (furniture, equipment, visuals, etc.).  This is first-come/first-served, so if you see that there are already presentations for your first choice date, pick another.  You can also sign up by using THIS LINK. Looking forward to your presentations!


May 7 (40 minute period)
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 14 (40 minute period)
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24

masterpiece academy sign-ups period 2

Please comment to this post to let us know when you would like to present your Masterpiece.  Please also include how much time you'll need, and whether you need any special arrangements for the room (furniture, equipment, visuals, etc.).  This is first-come/first-served, so if you see that there are already presentations for your first choice date, pick another.  You can also sign up by using THIS LINK. Looking forward to your presentations!


May 7 (40 minute period)
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 14 (40 minute period)
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

april 25

Describe something about you online that you are very proud of now, and that you think you will be very proud of when you're 50.  Describe something about you online that you are very proud of now, and that you think you may not be proud of for very long.  Describe something about you online (without any mandated reporter-triggering detail, please) that you are embarrassed about.

1. Journal
2. Internet Security (II)
3. Masterpiece Academy Prep/Sign-ups

april 24

When Beatty confronts him in front of his house, Montag resorts to violence and torches Beatty with the flamethrower.  Why is this solution, which would never be a first choice in life, viable in fiction?  How does it serve the story?  What do you think it will do for the plot-- what's next for Montag?

1. Journal
2. Continue Part III
3. Table conversations

QUESTIONS FOR pp. 114-122
 (Please post the answers to your blog with the title THE CHASE IS ON)

1. Why did the Hound attack Montag?
2. How did Montag defend himself?
3. What did Montag realize about Beatty?
4. Where did Montag go?
5. What happened when Montag crossed the street?

*On your blog, please post an explanation of how you think the book will end (title: RUN MONTAG RUN) 

Monday, April 23, 2018

april 23

At the end of Part II, why are the firemen are at Montag's house?  What do you think will happen next?

1. Journal
2. Return & discuss tests
3. Part III predictions
4. Part III

In a blog post entitled MONTAG KILLS, explain why Montag turned the flamethrower on Beatty.

ALICE drill and feedback

Last Friday SMHS held a safety drill.  Below you can see the outline and the feedback form.  If any ideas or questions have occurred to you since the drill, please use this form to let administration know.  Thanks and have a great weekend.

2018_04_20_10_06_38 by dpreston1441 on Scribd

april 20

Much of Montag's frustration seems to stem from the fact that he is so focused on his past and his future that he can't get a grip on his present.  Does this apply in your life?  When you think about your future, does it motivate/inspire you and make you happy that you're doing what you're doing, or does it worry you?

1. Journal
2. TEST (short? or long?  don't know yet. did you read & answer questions?)
3. Planning for Part III

Thursday, April 19, 2018

april 19

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Get Myself to Saturday" by Michael Franti & Spearhead]

Franti sings:
There is a part of me that always needs to pray/ There is a part of me that wants to run away/ There is a part of me that can't go on today/ There is a part of me that always finds a way

Which version of you shows up when you have to deal with difficult circumstances?  As the rising action continues to intensify in Fahrenheit 451, which version of Montag do you think will show up?

1. Journal
2. F451: Status & schedule
3. Big ideas and documenting
4. Close reading continued


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

april 18

When you leave your house you lock your door.  How do you keep your phone or your computer secure?  How do you keep other people from stealing your data or your identity?

1. Journal
2. From Big Questions to The Masterpiece Academy
3. Evaluations
4. Internet Security (Part I)

*** You can see last year's Masterpiece Academy lineup and presentations HERE

april 17


Quick!-- list all the literary elements and techniques you can remember from our explorations so far this year.

1. Journal
2. F451 close reading cont'd

*Some of your blogs look AMAZING! If you haven't recently, check out your colleagues' work

Sunday, April 15, 2018

april 16

Describe your reading process over the weekend.  When did you read?  Where?  For how long?  All at once or in chunks?  Describe one thing you learned from your reading this weekend.

1. Journal
2. [Quiz?]
3. Guided independent reading

*Please read on your own or with your tablemates
** Please plan on answering the following questions by the end of the week

1. In the scene where Mildred and Montag read books together, what are their separate reactions?
2. What is the effect throughout sections I and II, of the bombers flying over?
3. Who is Professor Faber?
4. Montag’s reaction to the commercial on the subway is a turning point in his life. How does he react and why?
5. What argument does Faber make for books?
6. What is the “small green metal object”?
7. What does the White Clown show lead you to believe about television programming in this society?
8. Why does Mrs. Phelps cry when Montag reads “Dover Beach”?
9. What is Montag’s destination at the end of section II? Why?

Friday, April 13, 2018


This weekend, please read to the last sentence of Part I.

It says:

"Here now," said Montag. "We'll start over again, at the beginning."