
Sunday, April 29, 2018

my thoughts on fahrenheit 451

Thanks in advance for reading and for commenting to this post.  I also published a version for grown-ups on Medium, and I'll share the link when it's available there.  In the meantime, here are some suggestions for getting the greatest benefit out of the experience, which continues well after the break:

1. Follow the footnotes
2. Click the links
3. Enjoy getting confused or experiencing questions-- and then ask the author
4. Find something you dis/agree with
5. When you see an argument, ask yourself what makes it in/effective
6. Most importantly, find something about reading this to ENJOY

As you scroll down, you will get to what I hope are insights on Fahrenheit 451.  First you will suffer through my thinking about this topic in general. 

We should read the same books more than once, over time.  As we change, the way we understand what we read changes.  This is important. 

The first time I read Hamlet I was in Jerry DeBono's1 AP English Literature class at Cleveland High School in Los Angeles.  We read the play in class.  Actually, that's a lie.  I didn't read the play in class.  I was thinking about other things while my unlucky friends who got chosen for the speaking parts tried unsuccessfully to salvage a shred of cool while mumbling and stumbling through their lines.  The night before the test I read just enough of the play to write an essay.  I understood what my teacher was asking, and I delivered an adequate-enough answer, but I didn't really understand the play-- not just because Shakespeare's iambic pentameter wasn't my native language, or because "To be or not to be" is such a hackneyed cliché, but because I didn't have enough experience to 

april 30

Tomorrow we will begin our last full month of work in this course.  What do you want to see happen in the time we have remaining?  What will you need to do in order to make the most of it?

1. Journal
2. Read my essay on Fahrenheit 451 (below)

"Wait, what?  The teacher wrote an essay??  Yeah.  I did.  For last year's class.  And I just read it again, and it still makes sense to me, and I want to know if it makes sense to you.  Therefore, I'm asking you to read it as a model, since you're about to finish the book and write an essay on it.  Please:

3. Publish a post to your blog in which you respond to the essay.  Include 2-4 sentences about your reaction to the ideas.  Please also include any questions you may have.
4. Don't forget any of this.  If I don't have posts to read tomorrow evening, there will be a reading test on the essay in class Tuesday.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

april 27

All of his efforts are leading Montag somewhere, both in his inner sense of self and a destination in the world.  Where is he headed?  Where are your efforts leading you?

1. Journal
2. F451: reading & schedule notes

1. What is the significance of the glass of milk, the apple, and the pear?
2. Montag thought he saw the Mechanical Hound and reached his breaking point. What did he see?
3. After Montag's musing about the Sun and fire, why is it ironic that he sees a fire?  How is this fire different?
4. Who is Granger? Who are his associates? (Spend a few sentences explaining this.)
5. What happens on the "show" portraying the chase after Montag?
6. What does Granger mean when he says, "We made the right kind of mistakes."

Please read
MY THOUGHTS ON FAHRENHEIT 451 (which you can read HERE)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

april 26

Why are people so afraid to make mistakes?  Describe a mistake you learned from.

1. Journal
2. F451 table conversations (please answer questions and post to your blog)

For pp. 123-132 (title: A STEP AHEAD OF THE HOUND)
1. What did Montag do at the Blacks' house?
2. How does Faber describe the war?
3. Describe Faber's TV.
4. What was on TV while Montag was on the run?
5. What was Montag running for when everyone looked out of their houses?

masterpiece academy sign-ups period 6

Please comment to this post to let us know when you would like to present your Masterpiece.  Please also include how much time you'll need, and whether you need any special arrangements for the room (furniture, equipment, visuals, etc.).  This is first-come/first-served, so if you see that there are already presentations for your first choice date, pick another.  You can also sign up by using THIS LINK. Looking forward to your presentations!


May 7 (40 minute period)
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 14 (40 minute period)
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24

masterpiece academy sign-ups period 3

Please comment to this post to let us know when you would like to present your Masterpiece.  Please also include how much time you'll need, and whether you need any special arrangements for the room (furniture, equipment, visuals, etc.).  This is first-come/first-served, so if you see that there are already presentations for your first choice date, pick another.  You can also sign up by using THIS LINK. Looking forward to your presentations!


May 7 (40 minute period)
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 14 (40 minute period)
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24

masterpiece academy sign-ups period 2

Please comment to this post to let us know when you would like to present your Masterpiece.  Please also include how much time you'll need, and whether you need any special arrangements for the room (furniture, equipment, visuals, etc.).  This is first-come/first-served, so if you see that there are already presentations for your first choice date, pick another.  You can also sign up by using THIS LINK. Looking forward to your presentations!


May 7 (40 minute period)
May 8
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 14 (40 minute period)
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

april 25

Describe something about you online that you are very proud of now, and that you think you will be very proud of when you're 50.  Describe something about you online that you are very proud of now, and that you think you may not be proud of for very long.  Describe something about you online (without any mandated reporter-triggering detail, please) that you are embarrassed about.

1. Journal
2. Internet Security (II)
3. Masterpiece Academy Prep/Sign-ups

april 24

When Beatty confronts him in front of his house, Montag resorts to violence and torches Beatty with the flamethrower.  Why is this solution, which would never be a first choice in life, viable in fiction?  How does it serve the story?  What do you think it will do for the plot-- what's next for Montag?

1. Journal
2. Continue Part III
3. Table conversations

QUESTIONS FOR pp. 114-122
 (Please post the answers to your blog with the title THE CHASE IS ON)

1. Why did the Hound attack Montag?
2. How did Montag defend himself?
3. What did Montag realize about Beatty?
4. Where did Montag go?
5. What happened when Montag crossed the street?

*On your blog, please post an explanation of how you think the book will end (title: RUN MONTAG RUN) 

Monday, April 23, 2018

april 23

At the end of Part II, why are the firemen are at Montag's house?  What do you think will happen next?

1. Journal
2. Return & discuss tests
3. Part III predictions
4. Part III

In a blog post entitled MONTAG KILLS, explain why Montag turned the flamethrower on Beatty.

ALICE drill and feedback

Last Friday SMHS held a safety drill.  Below you can see the outline and the feedback form.  If any ideas or questions have occurred to you since the drill, please use this form to let administration know.  Thanks and have a great weekend.

2018_04_20_10_06_38 by dpreston1441 on Scribd

april 20

Much of Montag's frustration seems to stem from the fact that he is so focused on his past and his future that he can't get a grip on his present.  Does this apply in your life?  When you think about your future, does it motivate/inspire you and make you happy that you're doing what you're doing, or does it worry you?

1. Journal
2. TEST (short? or long?  don't know yet. did you read & answer questions?)
3. Planning for Part III

Thursday, April 19, 2018

april 19

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Get Myself to Saturday" by Michael Franti & Spearhead]

Franti sings:
There is a part of me that always needs to pray/ There is a part of me that wants to run away/ There is a part of me that can't go on today/ There is a part of me that always finds a way

Which version of you shows up when you have to deal with difficult circumstances?  As the rising action continues to intensify in Fahrenheit 451, which version of Montag do you think will show up?

1. Journal
2. F451: Status & schedule
3. Big ideas and documenting
4. Close reading continued


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

april 18

When you leave your house you lock your door.  How do you keep your phone or your computer secure?  How do you keep other people from stealing your data or your identity?

1. Journal
2. From Big Questions to The Masterpiece Academy
3. Evaluations
4. Internet Security (Part I)

*** You can see last year's Masterpiece Academy lineup and presentations HERE

april 17


Quick!-- list all the literary elements and techniques you can remember from our explorations so far this year.

1. Journal
2. F451 close reading cont'd

*Some of your blogs look AMAZING! If you haven't recently, check out your colleagues' work

Sunday, April 15, 2018

april 16

Describe your reading process over the weekend.  When did you read?  Where?  For how long?  All at once or in chunks?  Describe one thing you learned from your reading this weekend.

1. Journal
2. [Quiz?]
3. Guided independent reading

*Please read on your own or with your tablemates
** Please plan on answering the following questions by the end of the week

1. In the scene where Mildred and Montag read books together, what are their separate reactions?
2. What is the effect throughout sections I and II, of the bombers flying over?
3. Who is Professor Faber?
4. Montag’s reaction to the commercial on the subway is a turning point in his life. How does he react and why?
5. What argument does Faber make for books?
6. What is the “small green metal object”?
7. What does the White Clown show lead you to believe about television programming in this society?
8. Why does Mrs. Phelps cry when Montag reads “Dover Beach”?
9. What is Montag’s destination at the end of section II? Why?

Friday, April 13, 2018


This weekend, please read to the last sentence of Part I.

It says:

"Here now," said Montag. "We'll start over again, at the beginning." 

april 13

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "57 Channels (And Nothin' On)" by Bruce Springsteen; "Jammin' Me" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers]

Montag is trying to think but the voice keeps coming over the speaker: "Denham's Dentrifice Denham's Dentrifice."  The other day I went to a gas station and got out to fill up the tank.  Now, don't get me wrong-- I love talking to people so much I do it all day-- but, you know, I just wanted to put some gas in my car.  By myself.  But NO... the gas pump had a video screen on it and commercials yelled at me the whole time!  Why can't we get away from advertising, politics, and other persuasive communication for just a few minutes?  Why can't we enjoy some peace and quiet just long enough to be with our own thoughts? What do we need to know so that we can either establish boundaries for ourselves, or at least understand it well enough so that it doesn't lead us to bad choices or just drive us crazy altogether?

1. Journal/discussion
2. Continue reading & answer Part II questions

Thursday, April 12, 2018

the connecting power of social media

Today in class we discussed how you can use your blogs to connect with the people who will give you opportunities.  If anyone still thinks this is far-fetched, consider THIS EXAMPLE of a nine year-old kid who will now get to hang out with his hero (play the video and imagine yourself celebrating when your hero gives you an opportunity :).

april 12


Montag and Mildred realize they can't remember when they met.  What dates and events are important to you to remember?

1. Journal/discussion
2. Real-world context for F451
3. Part 2

Questions for Part 2:

* What does "Sieve and the Sand" refer to?

1. In the scene where Mildred and Montag read books together, what are their separate reactions?
2. What is the effect throughout sections I and II, of the bombers flying over?
3. Who is Professor Faber?
4. Montag’s reaction to the commercial on the subway is a turning point in his life. How does he react and why?
5. What argument does Faber make for books?
6. What is the “small green metal object”?
7. What does the White Clown show lead you to believe about television programming in this society?
8. Why does Mrs. Phelps cry when Montag reads “Dover Beach”?
9. What is Montag’s destination at the end of section II? Why?

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

period 6 ignite talks

Andres: [something vague about music]

Pablo: What am I going to do after high school?  I started thinking about firefighting but now I want to become an orthodontist.  I have relatives in the field and I enjoy learning from them.  I found a college in Boise, Idaho.

Churro: If you're passionate about something it should always be on your mind.  I love music, and my Big Question is: Why do we want to be good at something but then abandon it and choose something else?  I started playing piano, but I stopped and played other instruments.  How can I stick [TIME]

Philip: How can I get scouted for my talent in baseball and play at the next level?  I am trying to use a highlight tape to get into college.

Aliza: Why is Finland's education system better than ours?

Orlando: Why is music so attractive?  I think it's because of the beats and the rhythms.

Desttiny: The government doesn't really help with homeless people.  How can we help?

Janet: Why do people have nightmares?  Sometimes it can be due to death or trauma.  I started learning about dreams over Spring Break

Maria: After high school will I go to university?  Will I become a vet or a medical assistant?

Jennifer: My big question is about art and how it gives us ideas.  Sometimes I look at the details of a mural and it gets me thinking.

Ernie: How do I become an English teacher?  I am passionate about writing.  I'm writing a book, and I like writing about my perspectives about the world.

Maricarmen: Why do we see young kids worrying about love?  My neighbor is a little kid and she came up to me crying about sometone she only knew for two days.

Gricelda: Why do I want to be a surgeon?  Since I was small I wanted to be in the medical field but I didn't know why.  This helped me get clear on why I want to help people and change lives.  I am currently working at the hospital as an intern.

Alexis: We all know friendship is important.  Friends improve our lives and help us make better choices.  They increase our satisfaction with life and reduce our risk for depression.

Carlos: How can I become a professional BMX rider?  I like street biking (and falling off) -- and I'm talking about this because when I see people doing unbelievable tricks it inspires me, and I want to inspire others.  I'm passionate about this.

Rafael: How can I be a better football player?  I want to get better because I like winning and I want to help my team win and .

Gabriel: How can I do better on final exams?  I care about this because last year a final exam cost me an 'A' and I want to get the best grades I can.  Also, other students don't do as well as they want -- a friend of mine always had straight As and a final cost him.

Anthony: Free will is choosing what we want.  Do we really have free will?  We need more choices

Claudia: Why do we have to do homework?  When it comes to going home, students try but get stressed out.  I don't like doing homework but I do it to make my parents proud.

Analuisa: Should school offer cash bonuses for tests?  If students do well they should earn money.  Maybe the money should be earmarked for colleges so that students can invest in their own futures.  Some say this is a bribe but others open

Monica: Why is it necessary to take history, English, or math?  Why can't school offer classes in subjects we like?


Bryan: What would the world be like without religion? Several wars and ISIS would not have happened, and that makes me curious.

Diana: Why can some people sing and some people can't?  I love to sing, and I asked my friend -- she said that sometimes it comes naturally and some people get coaching.

Carlota: How does technology change our language over time?  I see people change nouns into verbs -- like 'Googling' and using initials.

Natalia: If we're the only planet with people on it, what if there is another dimension with an Earth that has people on it?  Are they our dopplegangers, or are they different?

Yolanda: Is there an afterlife, and if there is, what's after that?  What if we all already died, and God sends us back-- when does that struggle end?  How do people know there's heaven or hell?  No one has ever gone there and come back to tell the story, and that makes me curious.


Daniel: My topic is the planets in our solar system.  I have always wanted to learn about planets.  What are they made of?  Why can't we live there?  What would it take to travel to them?

Yaquelin: What would it take to inhabit Mars?  I got curious about this when I studied the space race between the USA and the USSR.  Astronauts would go different places to see how it would impact their health.  I started researching this more.

Axel: How can I become a NASCAR driver?  There are so many systems that make a car run.  My dad taught me how to fix cars and do oil changes, and I want to learn more.

period 3 ignite talks

Alondra: How can I become a marine biologist?  My plan is to attend a 2-year and then transfer to Hawaii or Santa Cruz.  I am also interested in astronomy.  It takes a long time to study the stars.

Alex: Why do parents think video games are bad for you?  Most parents don't like them because they are violent and addictive.  I think they are good and I want to research why.

Yoselyn: After high school I want to attend a four-year university and study marine biology.  I also want to run a local organic farm as a business that provides community products like smoothies.  I also want to work for the CIA because I think it's good to have multiple careers.

Estefany: Why do we have racism?  What will happen if we have more race riots or if we return to segregation? 

Kevin: Why is music looked down upon?  Our parents tell us to be doctors, lawyers, and make money-- I actually got grounded for playing the guitar.  I want to pursue music because it's my passion, and I wanted to play to see if I had skills that I can develop.

Erick: Why are there so many atheists in the world?  Why do people keep on sinning?

Adrian: My original Big Question was, How can someone push themselves beyond their limits?  Now my big question is what the f*ck am I doing after high school?

Thais: How is the South different from the West Coast?  I lived in Georgia and Alabama, and it was very different.  Here there are more Mexicans, and the schools are different too.  There the hallways are inside, and even though they got less funding the food was better and the announcements were made on TV.  The housing was different too.  So was the food-- there was more meat, and bread, and they had popcorn chicken.

Juanita: I look forward to becoming a cosmetologist.  I will get into a training program.

Isaiah: I am the owner of Xicano Records.  I am following my passion by collecting and sharing some of the best, hard-to-find records in the world.


Maria: Why are so many people being changed by their peers?  I had a friend in 7th grade, and in a short period of time when I didn't see her, she changed so dramatically that I didn't recognize her.  She went from being a great student to wearing black and [TIME]

Christian: What will I do after high school?  I want to become a mechanic, and over Spring Break I worked on a few cars to practice my skills.  I plan to attend UTI for 2 years and then either open my own shop or work for a dealer or a mechanic.

Evelyn: What are we all going to do after high school?  I have relatives who work in the wine industry and retail, but one of them recently told me that she has a lifestyle and a dog, but that she doesn't have what she really wants.  What is your dream?

Iris: What is the FBI?  What are the requirements for working there?  I don't know if I want to work there, but why do others?  It seems cool but scary.  I did some research on the specific requirements and I thought it was interesting because the FBI is famous but we don't really know much about it.

Aron: Who is the music group Broadhampton and why are they important?  They are a group of rappers, designers, and producers.  Last year they released three albums.

Fatima: How can I determine which career is best for me?  One option is Registered Nurse but that takes a lot of school.  I am also considering becoming a medical assistant, or a social worker, or joining the Marines.

Gabriel: I'm curious about what I'll do after I graduate.  I'm thinking about the Air Force and then becoming a firefighter or a mechanic.  Currently I'm taking apart a big block Chevy to practice.

Jose L: What makes us happy? 1. Money  2. Friends  3. Family  4. Music  NONE OF THE ABOVE.  We are all different and different things make us happy.

Jose R: How can I build my clientele as a barber?  I am learning about marketing on social media.  People tell people about their haircuts.  I take my time to do a good job so I can get better at it.  I am going to work in a barbershop and get my license.

Joanha: How is Spain different from Mexico?  I traveled to Spain over Spring Break.  People dress fancier there.  The food and language is similar but different.  College is cheaper in Spain.  Classes are 19 Euros each.

Griselda: Why do we have to take classes in school that don't have anything to do with our career?  Some classes change our thinking.  In this class, for example, I gave a presentation on becoming an immigration lawyer but now I'm thinking about child development.

Oscar: How can I open up my own store?  I want to open a jewelry store and a clothing store.  My brother makes clothes, and I've always been interested in jewelry.  I want to have a place for people to get cool jewelry and clothes.

Emanuel: I want to focus on Internet safety.  It's weird that someone can hack into your account and take your information, and I want to guard against that.

Saul: What do I need to know to become a mechanical engineer?  I started by researching this on Google and YouTube.  I want to specialize in engines, and I learn that I will need a master's degree-- this will take six years at university.  For now I will continue making money by selling shoes.

Giselle: Will I graduate?  Since first grade I have never been a fan of school.  I am behind in credits but I want to get back on track because I am interested in studying criminology and forensic science.

period 2 ignite talks

Yulianna: What comes next after high school?  Over spring break I spoke with adults to ask about their lives.  I learned that people took different routes to successful lifestyles.  This connects to Fahrenheit 451 in terms of predicting the future.  What I'm going to do next is [TIME]

Adriana & Kassie: Why is there bullying?  We're doing this together because we think that bullying is important to know about.  We plan to build a presentation that can help people.

Jose: Social media is good.  It's not all bad like most people think.  You can use it to start a career.  It's a way to become known for your personality or sense of humor.

Juan: I'm focused on racism and prejudice in our world.  It's not just American.  Why would a woman in Canada demand a white doctor for her child?  We're facing a human crisis worldwide.  I want to help people understand each other better.

Araceli: At the beginning of the year I Does technology affect children?  Over spring break I watched my nephews play Fortnite and stay on the screen.  Then I talked with an older co-worker and kids now are so into their technology.  This relates to the book because


Devora:  My big question has changed from psychology to something more specific: Why do people resist therapy?  I talked to my own therapist about why people refuse to talk

Brian: Baseball is my topic. It's an interesting history.  Civil war hero Abner Doubleday invented the sport but didn't want credit for the idea.  Baseball combines two sports, British rounds and something else.

Jesus: When you play a sport, is there a point when you stop getting better?  I played soccer a long time and after a while, my teammates and I seem to have a point where we stop improving.

Adan: How do you drive a manual transmission?  It seems that most Americans don't do this and I want to present a detailed presentation on this.

Carlos: What am I doing after high school?  I've been thinking about different options and I like construction because I like building and fixing stuff.  It's interesting how building and houses are made.  I'm not sure if I want to do this in the future, but this is a good opportunity to look at it further.

Christian: Navy SEAL, cop or musician.  I practice drumming for rhythm.  I also consider the impact of music on my brain and how I learn.  I'll also talk about the difference between how I practice and how college ban

Rafael: I want to know what the purpose of life is-- I've wanted to know this since I was a little kid.  So far I've learned the importance is passion.  What makes you happy?  How can you find something that you love to do?  I'm doing

Alejandro: My big question is whether technology would take over humanity.  My mom would always tell me not to use my phone, but now she's on it all the time too.  It may start with teenagers but it seems like it's everyone

Bryan:  What am I going to do after high school?  I am considering construction because on the weekends I work with concrete.  Thinking about building made me think about how the things I'm doing now will help me later, so I'm doing more research to connect this.

Marcial: Why do we value art in our society?  Art teaches us about meaning, and I want to learn more about this.

Rosalva: How can I manage my time?  I find it hard to balance practice with homework, sleep, and other priorities, and I want to get better at this.

Araceli R: I've changed my Big Question: Why can't there be peace in the world?  I asked family and friends, and the response that got my attention is that states of mind may be different but we can behave in ways that make the world a better place.

Pablo: Will these three As -- Adaptable, Applicable & Ambitious-- help me be a better person?  I've learned these principles by watching others and I want to test them.

Alex: How can we sell things online?  I'm addicted to things online, so I figure instead of just buying I can also sell.

Adriana T: Is it better to give or receive?  I think it's better to give because you can make others happy.  When I was little I thought it was better to receive but now kindness is more important to me and I am changing.

Antonio: My topic is purpose.  Not just the purpose of life in general, but what is Your purpose?  What do you think is important?  You may just see a plant, but I see a purpose to grow and be beautfiul.

Oscar: I like to listen to other people's opinions, but many people-- especially in politics and religion -- just want to be right.  So my Big Question is, how can people get better at listening to each other and getting together instead of just being divided?

april 11

JOURNAL TOPIC: (at the end of the period)

Write about your favorite ignite talk.  What was it (about the speaker's ethos/pathos/logos or the topic itself) that made the talk fun, or interesting, or memorable?

1. Ignite Talks
2. Journal

*Remember to update your blog :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

april 10


Describe a favorite saying of an adult in your life when you were a child.  What did it mean?  What did it matter to you, if anything?  What keeps it fresh in your mind?

1. Journal
2. F451 Q & A
3. Reading

13. What is the purpose of Beatty's visit?
14. Reread Captain Beatty’s monologue (pp.57-59). Discuss his view that school cultivates anti-intellectual sentiment (p.58). In your opinion does it accurately depict your high school? Do books violate the idea that ”everyone is made equal” (p.58)?
15. Why does Montag feel “fat”?

Monday, April 9, 2018

april 9

Welcome back.  Let's dive in!

Analyze the following passage from Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.  How does Bradbury's use of syntax convey differences in narrative perspective?  How does his use of figurative language convey meaning?

As he stood there the sky over the house screamed. There was a tremendous ripping sound as if two giant hands had torn ten thousand miles of black linen down the seam. Montag was cut in half. He felt his chest chopped down and split apart. The jet-bombs going over, going over, going over, one two, one two, one two, six of them, nine of them, twelve of them, one and one and one and another and another and another, did all the screaming for him. He opened his own mouth and let their shriek come down and out between his bared teeth. The house shook. The flare went out in his hand. The moonstones vanished. He felt his hand plunge toward the telephone. The jets were gone. He felt his lips move, brushing the mouthpiece of the phone. "Emergency hospital." A terrible whisper. 

1. Journal
2. Close reading continued 

Sunday, April 8, 2018


If you don't know whether you won over the break, look forward to class tomorrow when all will be revealed...  I hope everyone had a great Spring Break.  Is your ignite talk ready?  This is gonna be a BIG week!

Friday, April 6, 2018

my laughing heart

Congrats to all the winners who commented with the correct answer to yesterday's post.

"The Laughing Heart"
Charles Bukowski

your life is your life
don't let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is a light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can't beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

What a great poem, by a guy who was thought to be negative in real life.

Comment to this post with an observation about the poem and


The gods wait to delight in you.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

hello, winners!

Are you a person who has successfully solved the pre-Spring Break clues and found the "secret blog"?

Then you're a winner.

Are you a person who has already planned and rehearsed your ignite talk for next Wednesday?

Then you're a winner.

Are you a person who followed this blog or set up a routine so that you'd see this post?

Then you're a winner.

I hope you've enjoyed the quiet time on this space.  That happened. 

Back to winning.

In the next 24 hours you will be given several opportunities to win.

As one of my favorite poems says, "The Gods will offer you chances/ Know them, take them"

For starters, name that poem and the author in a comment to this post.

And win. 

More soon.

There is still time.